Why B2B Tech Companies Can’t Ignore Brand Building

Digital marketing is a minefield. Algorithms constantly change, AI is taking over tasks, and platforms like Google and LinkedIn can make your business disappear overnight. But there’s one thing that can’t be yanked away—your brand. Invest in it. Build trust, loyalty, and long-term growth that no algorithm can touch. Don’t put it off.


  • One day you’re on top, the next day you’re invisible. Don’t rely on algorithms you can’t control.
  • AI can automate, but it won’t build relationships or trust.
  • Strong brands outlast algorithm shifts, trends, and tech disruptions.
  • Betting everything on SEO is risky. Build your brand on solid ground across multiple channels.
  • Platforms can pull the plug at any time, but your brand is something you own and control.

The Brand Imperative

We’re living in unpredictable times. Between algorithm mood swings and AI creeping into every task, one thing’s clear: we’re not in Kansas anymore.

We're not in Kansas anymore.

Case in point:

“Google’s inconsistent treatment of smaller businesses is unfair... the traffic of large brands is surging while organic traffic is a roller coaster for smaller companies.”
Elie Berreby, Senior SEO Specialist

One day our website is ranking high. The next? Back of the bus. We’re left scratching our heads, thinking, “WTF just happened?”

WTF just happened?

But while algorithms are all over the map, one thing remains constant: our brand reputation.

The importance of brand-building has never been greater. No algorithm or LMM can yank our brand reputation from under us. 

Think of your brand as your safety net. 

It will always be there to cover you when things go sideways. 

The SEO Gamble

SEO ain’t what it used to be. It’s become a lottery—and the odds aren’t in our favor.

One day, we see a surge in organic traffic. Awesome! But then, POOF! It’s gone. No changes made, no warnings given. 

Is Google running a casino? 

Take a look at this:

Unexpected organic traffic drop in Google

Elie Berreby recently shared this on LinkedIn. It shows a small but reputable company enjoying a 55% boost in organic traffic over 45 days. Pretty good, right?

But then, out of nowhere, Google crushes their visibility. WTF? 

“Hope and despair in 45 days... Organic traffic divided by almost 10. Again, absolutely nothing changed.”
Elie Berreby, Senior SEO Specialist

Read Elie’s post for the full story.

How do we build a business on something this unpredictable? 

We can spend months perfecting our SEO strategy, but one algorithm update can knock us off the map overnight.

So, what’s the answer?

Diversify and build up your brand. Don’t put all your eggs in the SEO basket. 

Who cares about ranking when people remember your brand? 

AI Can’t Replace Brand Reputation

We’re in the middle of another industrial revolution (the 5th), this time driven by AI. And yeah, AI will replace jobs—just like every innovation leap before it.

The Fifth Industrial Revolution

Sure, AI can pump out content, automate tasks, and crunch data—it’ll only get better at it. But let’s be clear: AI can’t replace creativity or spark emotional connections. Only people can do that. And people buy from people they know and trust—not from machines.

“Will LLMs and GenAI replace jobs? Absolutely. Will it put people out of work? Yes and no. It depends on who adapts and who doesn’t.”

Long-Term Brand-Building Benefits Everyone

As long as we manage and maintain our brand consistently, it can last indefinitely—think IBM or GE. Google’s algorithm might pull the rug out from under us overnight, and LinkedIn’s false positives can “ban” us anytime, but a credible brand reputation? That’s something no algorithm can touch.

Elie Berreby’s story is a wake-up call of how unpredictable digital platforms can be. We can be riding high one day and then freak out the next—and we didn’t even do anything differently! It’s a tough pill to swallow, but that’s the reality of blind faith.

When people know and trust our brand, they’ll seek us out—no matter what Google, LinkedIn, Meta, or any other third-party platform arbitrarily decides. That’s brand equity. 

A credible brand reputation creates something no platform can take away: human connection and loyalty. Customers who trust us will come back, share our story, and advocate for us—even when big tech shuts us out.

Beware The Digital Monopoly

The platforms we rely on—Google, LinkedIn, Meta, etc.—hold all the cards. One algorithm tweak, one policy change, and we’re instantly invisible. And it’s not just SEO.

Entire profiles can disappear in a heartbeat, just like Elie Berreby’s LinkedIn account.

His account was automatically banned all because a false positive in LinkedIn’s algorithm flagged him as a spammer. It took over a month to get it restored—with an apology—but only because he knew someone on the inside.

“People searching for me could not find me anymore. Every trace of my existence was removed from LinkedIn.”
Elie Berreby, Senior SEO Specialist

One false positive from an algorithm, and suddenly, you’re gone—without warning. And if you have thousands of followers and rely on that network for business, you are at the whim of the platform. That’s a digital monopoly. 

Big platforms control our visibility, and when we rely too much on them, we’re playing with fire. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.

We can’t control the algorithms, but we can control how and where people see and remember us.

TIP: Always own your content. For example, if you publish a blog, make sure it lives in multiple places. If one platform “goes down” you’re still covered.

Practical Tips for Building Your B2B Tech Brand

Final Thoughts

Platforms change, algorithms evolve, and AI will keep pushing boundaries. But through all that, one thing remains constant—our brand reputation. It’s the only thing we can fully control in a world where digital monopolies and unpredictable algorithms are out of our control.

Look at companies like GE, IBM, Disney, and HP. They’ve stood the test of time—surviving multiple industrial revolutions—because of their solid brand reputations.

Our brand is our safety net. As Warren Buffett once said, “The brand is the economic moat of the business.” In other words, a strong brand is what protects us from unforeseen changes.

It’s what people remember when the platforms fail, the rankings drop, or our account gets suspended. Customers don’t stick around because of where we rank—they stay because they trust us and the value we bring.

So, if you haven’t already, now’s the time to invest in your brand. Build something that lasts. Because while the digital world is always shifting, a strong brand will always keep you grounded.

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