How to Position B2B Tech Solutions: A Step-by-Step Guide


Trying to be everything to everyone in B2B tech means we’re already losing. Positioning is the critical first step—it’s our survival tactic in a market flooded with noise. With Martech growing at 28% YOY, standing out isn’t just hard; it’s friggin’ brutal. Focusing on customers and clearly differentiating our unique value is how we shift from being just another widget to being a solution that’s hard to ignore.

Key Takeaways

  • Customer-Centric Positioning: Always start with insight—your customers’ pains and motivations—not your product’s features.
  • Differentiation: Your unique value isn’t a bullet point on a feature list; it’s the reason people should care.
  • Market Fit: If you’re not in the right market niche, your value might as well be invisible.
  • Positioning Process: Follow a proven process that aligns your messaging with what your customers actually care about.
  • Long-Term Success: Positioning is the foundation of your growth strategy.

Selling Tech is Hard but Buying It is Harder

Getting on the buyer’s shortlist in B2B tech is very difficult when no one knows who we are, what we do, or what we stand for. With over 100,000 tech solutions out there, it’s easy to become just another face in the crowd. Many companies—especially startups—struggle to stand out. Without unique positioning, they risk blending in, forgotten and ignored.

And when 80%–90% of buyers already have a set of vendors in mind before they do a stitch of research, and 90% of them choose a vendor on day one, the chances of getting their attention is like winning the lottery.

B2B buyers have already made their decision before doing any research

As a founder or leader of a B2B tech firm, no doubt you’ve felt the heat. Launching a product in a saturated market feels like pushing a boulder up a mountain. The pressure to get noticed, attract leads, and generate sales is overwhelming. But here’s the thing: positioning is your lever. It’s how you turn the impossible into the inevitable. This is how B2B tech solutions like was able to chip away at industry giants like Asana over 6 years. That’s 6 YEARS, by the way, not 6 months. 

In this article, I’m going to show you how to shift from being solely product- or sales-led to becoming customer-focused and business-led. I’ll walk you through a step-by-step process, drawing on inspiration from April Dunford’s book, Obviously Awesome, to help you position your B2B tech solution for your best-fit customers.

NOTE: If you’re ready to do positioning on your own, go grab April’s book, and dive in. But if you’re looking for a little guidance, stick around and read on.

Customer-Focused Positioning Wins Everytime

We’ve all been there—trapped in a product-focused mindset, cranking out salsey marketing because we’re excited about what we’ve built. The problem? Everyone else is doing the same thing. According to Clay Ostrom at Map&Fire, only 33% of B2B solutions have strong differentiation. That’s not just a stat; that’s a red flag.

67% of B2B brands lack strong differentiation.

Understanding our customers—their pains, needs, and motivations—is our best shot at positioning our solution as the perfect answer to their problems.

“A good doctor treats the patient, not the illness.”
Reiko Scott,

Forget flashy marketing. It’s like a shiny new fishing lure that only gets nibbles. When buyers know exactly why they should care about our B2B tech solution, they don’t just nibble—they bite. And they keep biting. Just ask or Slack or Canva. 

Clarity comes from deep customer and market insight, not from guessing or copying trends. Our job isn’t to invent a message out of thin air—it’s to discover what our customers already value most about our product and make it impossible to ignore.

Just starting out? You’re probably tempted to dive straight into sales tactics. Be careful. Do you want to build a house on stilts or a house on solid footing? Get this right early, and everything—your messaging, marketing, sales, brand reputation, internal culture—will fall into place more naturally as you scale. 

Solid B2B tech positioning requires a solid footing

Positioning Reality Check

Effective B2B tech positioning is an outcome of digging deep into understanding who our solution is for, what it’s for, and why buyers should give a damn. It has nothing to do with these things:

What B2B tech positioning is not.

April Dunford on what positioning is.

What Happens After Positioning:

  • You’ll learn more about who you are and what you’re really offering.
  • You’ll get crystal clear on your unique value.
  • You’ll lay the foundation for effective and differentiated sales and marketing.

What does NOT Happen After Positioning:

  • You won’t walk away with a shiny new tagline on day one (that comes later).
  • You won’t have a snappy new elevator pitch by tomorrow (that comes later).
  • You won’t get a funky new website with flashy content, sales tools, and eye candy (that comes later).

Clear positioning strips away the crap and gets down to what truly matters to the people we’re trying to help. Anyone can cast a shiny new lure into a pond. It’s much harder to get the fish to bite. The right positioning is like the right bait—if it’s tasty, the fish will bite.

6 Steps to Positioning Success

Step 1: Who Is It For?

  • Identify Best-Fit Customers: Make a list of your top customers who love your company and product and align with your goals. You’ll need this list later in Step 5.
  • Conduct Customer Interviews: Talk to at least 10 of your best customers. Dig into their pain points, fears, motivations, and decision-making process.
  • Cross-Reference Insights: Compare and corroborate feedback from customers with insights from your Sales, Product, and CX teams, and vice versa. Analyze historical data. Look for patterns and validation.

FYI Startups: No customers yet? No problem. Interview potential candidates or colleagues who fit your target profile. You’ll learn more than you think.

Step 2: What Are You Up Against?

  • Identify Competitive Alternatives: List your competition—including products, services, and the status quo. Don’t assume your competition is just another product—consider spreadsheets, internal resources, or simply the fear of fucking up (FOFU).
  • Map Against Customer Research: Align the alternatives with insights from your customer research to spot patterns.
  • Like this:

Step 3: What Makes You Unique?

  • Identify Unique Capabilities: What do you offer that no one else does? What do you do better than anyone else?
  • Be Deliberate: Highlight your “secret sauce”—the core elements that make you distinct.
  • Spot Emerging Themes: You should start noticing common patterns and themes cropping up.
  • Like this:

“Be distinct or be extinct.”
Tom Peters

Step 4: What Value Do You Deliver?

  • Link Unique Attributes to Value: If your unique capabilities are your “secret sauce,” then your value is why customers care about it.
  • Organize Value into Buckets: Group your unique attributes into value themes from both a potential buyer’s and an existing customer’s perspective.
  • Map Attributes to Proof: Connect your solution with its unique attributes, value themes, and proof points. Reminder: proof has nothing to do with our opinions so set them aside.
  • Like this:

Step 5: Who Cares a Lot About Your Value?

  • Focus on Best-Fit Customers: Identify the characteristics of your best-fit customers and why they love you.
  • Niche Down: Narrow your target to meet near-term sales objectives but ensure the market is big enough to hit your business goals.
  • Make a List: List your best-fit customers in one column, their characteristics in another, and why they love you in a third.
  • Like this:

Step 6: Pick the Market That Will Give You the Best Chance at Success TODAY

  • Determine the Best Niche: Identify the market segment where your strengths are most valued.
  • Position Within the Niche: Make sure your value is clear and relevant within this segment.

Refer to April’s Positioning Styles to weigh your options:

  1. Head to head: When the market category already exists and you are attempting to win the entire market.
  2. Big Fish, Smaller Pond: When the market category already exists and you are attempting to win only a sub-segment of it.
  3. Create a new Game: When no existing market category works to position your strengths at an advantage, and you decide to create an entirely new category.

Once you have completed these steps, you can create a positioning and messaging playbook. That document is super helpful and can serve as the opening for your brand guidelines. I’ve created these documents for a few clients and they literally become the “bible” for the sales, marketing, product and CX teams.

2 Success Stories

If you want to see this method in action, here are two stories worth checking out:

  • UserList: Launched in 2017 and applied April Dunford’s method in “Obviously Awesome” verbatim to solve their positioning problem in 2019.
  • BELLIN Treasury: Followed a similar process in 2013 and grew 4x over 6 years (acquired in 2020). Although this happened a few years before April wrote her book, one of the reasons I love “Obviously Awesome” is because it validated my approach for BELLIN, albeit differently. April simplifies the process of positioning B2B tech solutions much better too.

Final Thoughts

B2B tech positioning isn’t a checkbox on our to-do list—it’s the foundation of everything we do in marketing and sales. It needs regular review and validation, especially when you’re starting out and when markets shift. Get it right, and our product doesn’t just survive—it thrives. Fail at it, and we’re just another thing taking up space.

April Dunford on what happens when we fail at positioning.

Effective positioning is a process of discovery, not invention, uncovering the value that already exists in our solution and making it crystal clear to the people who need it most. When we succeed at positioning, we can move from being just another look-alike to being the obvious choice.

So, are you ready to get it right? Book a 1-Day Positioning Workshop with me.

Need specific advice for your B2B tech firm? Reach out. I’m always happy to chat.

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