How to Create a Brand Playbook for B2B Tech | Free Template & Guide


A brand playbook is a must-have for B2B tech companies. It documents your positioning, messaging, and identity, getting everyone on the same page. And when you clearly and consistently align the stuff you make with the people you make it for, you generate awareness, confidence, and trust all around.

Key Takeaways

  • Brand playbooks get everyone on the same page and speaking the same language.
  • Brand playbooks nail down what you stand for, what you’re in, and why people should give a damn.
  • Positioning defines who it’s for, what it’s for, and why it matters.
  • Messaging translates positioning into cohesive sales and marketing that clearly communicates why your solution is the obvious choice.
  • Download the free Brand Playbook Template to create your own.

What is a B2B Brand Playbook?

A B2B brand playbook is your company’s DNA on paper. For B2B tech firms, nailing your mission, positioning, messaging, and identity is what separates you from the masses. This guide walks you through the 5 steps to build a brand playbook that will set your organization up for success.

If Your Brand Sucks, This Is How to Fix It

Each year, thousands of B2B tech companies struggle to stand out and get noticed. It’s not their tech that sucks, it’s their brand. Too often it’s an afterthought (or in some cases a no-thought), all over the place—messy, inconsistent, and missing out on creating awareness, confidence, and trust.

A brand playbook tells everyone why we exist—employees, customers, partners, and investors. It helps us document how to position, message, and visually communicate why our company and solutions are the right fit. It also helps us maintain our brand reputation as we grow the business.

TIP: Brand and culture are tied at the hip. Make your brand playbook part of your HR onboarding process, and start your company all-hands or town halls with a brand recap. It gets new employees off on the right foot and keeps your brand top of mind.

In this step-by-step guide to a B2B tech brand playbook, I’ll show you how to keep everyone on the same page and speaking the same language. We’ll follow a process inspired by years of helping tech firms get their brand together, plus lean on April Dunford’s excellent book, Obviously Awesome.

Ready? Let’s go.

5 Steps to Build a B2B Tech Brand Playbook

Step-By-Step Guide for Building a B2B Tech Brand

Step 1: Mission, Vision, and Values

Before we start talking, we need to know who we are, what we’re in, and why we exist. 

  • Mission is our “why”—the reason we do what we do. This is all about the impact we want to have on the world. It’s inspirational.
  • Vision is where we’re headed. It’s the future we’re striving for. It should be bold, clear, and maybe even a little bit scary. It’s what Jim Collins calls the BHAG. It’s aspirational.
  • Values are the principles that guide our organization. They shape how we operate, how we treat our customers, ourselves, and how we want our brand to be perceived. 

Get these right, and you’ll have a solid foundation to build your brand playbook. Skip them, and you’re building a house of cards.

Need help nailing down your mission, vision, and values? Let’s talk!

Step 2: Positioning

By now, you should have completed a positioning exercise with your key stakeholders. If not, stop right here and head over to this guide before moving forward: How to Position B2B Tech Solutions: A Step-by-Step Guide.

Once you’ve nailed down your positioning, you’ll have everything you need to define how your solution fits in the market. A Positioning Canvas helps you map out your competitive landscape, unique strengths, and how you differentiate. 

  • Objective: What are you trying to achieve with your positioning?
  • Purpose: Why should this positioning matter?
  • Competitive Alternatives: What are you up against?
  • Distinct Capabilities: What do you do better than anyone else?
  • Differentiated Value Themes: What unique value do you bring to the table?
  • Best-Fit Customer Characteristics: Who are you trying to reach?
  • Market Category: What market niche gives you the best shot at winning?
  • Potential Trend (optional): What trends could impact your positioning? Be careful because layering on a trend can backfire if executed poorly. 
  • Positioning Statement: A clear, concise statement that captures your positioning in a nutshell.
  • Tagline: Your brand in one short punchy line.
B2B Tech Positioning Canvas: based on April Dunford’s Workbook.
The Positioning Canvas is based on April Dunford’s Workbook.

Step 3: Messaging

Now that your positioning is locked down, it’s time to put it into words that your audience will notice. Your messaging should translate your positioning into something meaningful for them and back up your sales and marketing.


  • One-Liner: A quick pitch that sums up your value in one sentence.
  • One Paragraph: A brief description that expands on your one-liner.
  • 100-Word Description: A concise overview of your brand and solution.
  • 500-Word Brand Story: A more detailed narrative that tells your brand’s story.
  • Brand Promise: the ONE thing your customers can count on when interacting with your organization and your solutions.
  • USP: Your Unique Selling Proposition highlights what makes your solution unique compared to the alternatives.
  • Elevator Pitch: The short and sweet version of what you do and why it matters.
  • PR Strapline: The hook that grabs attention in public relations and marketing.
Brand Playbook Template for B2B Tech Solutions: brand pyramid

Brand Pyramid:

  • Personality: What’s the tone and style of your brand?
  • Key Values: What principles drive your brand?
  • Customer Rewards: What benefits do customers gain from your solution?
  • Functional Benefits: What practical, functional benefits do you offer?
  • Brand Features: What specific features set your solution apart?

Step 4: Value

This is where you show why your solution actually matters. The themes, capabilities, and benefits from your positioning exercise will feed into a Value Point Table. This will help you break down the value you deliver.

  • Target Segment: Who are we selling to?
  • Buyer/Audience Persona: What do we know about our target buyers?
  • Problem Space: What problems do our buyers face?
  • Current Solutions: What solutions are they using now?
  • Shortcomings of Current Solutions: Why aren’t those solutions enough?
  • Value Themes: What value do we offer that they can’t get elsewhere?
  • Features: What specific features address their needs?
  • Benefits: What benefits will they experience with our solution?
  • Proof Points: What evidence do we have to back up our claims?
  • UVP: Your Unique Value Proposition focuses on the specific value or benefits your solution brings from the customer’s perspective.

Step 5: Corporate Identity

This is where the visual and physical representation of your brand comes into play.

Brand Playbook Corporate Identity Examples

Almost every tech solution starts here—at Step 5—instead of Step 1. That’s OK when you’re getting going, but if left unchecked it will bite you in the ass. Trust me. Do the work in the first four steps. Your future self will be grateful.

  • Logo: Your primary visual identifier.
  • Logo Usage: Guidelines on how to use your logo correctly.
  • Color Palette: The colors that represent your brand.
  • Fonts: The typography that reflects your brand’s tone.
  • Icons: Custom icons that align with your brand’s style. No need to reinvent the wheel—there are plenty of icon libraries you can grab and make your own.
  • Branded Samples: Examples of your brand in action (website, collateral, presentations, etc).

Free Template

To make it easy for you to put all of this into action, I’ve created a free, customizable Brand Playbook Template based on the exact process we’ve just covered. It’s in Google Docs but easily downloadable as Word, PDF, RTF, or other formats.

Whether you’re just starting to build your brand or refining an existing one, this brand playbook template for tech startups gives you everything you need to ensure everyone is on the same page, speaking the same language, and pulling in the same direction.

However, if this feels too daunting, I’m happy to help. Reach out anytime.

Final Thoughts

Brand playbooks document how our organization and our solutions are perceived in the minds of the people we’re trying to help. Without it, we’re flying blind, hoping our solutions will be enough (spoiler: they aren’t).

A clearly defined and communicated brand makes everything easier. Our entire team knows the story we’re telling, our customers know why they should care, and the stuff we make becomes more than just another tech solution taking up space.

Start building your brand playbook today, and create a brand that sticks with people long after the first touchpoint.

Need help with your Brand Playbook? 

Let’s chat—because you’ve got better things to do than fly blind.

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