How to Write Case Studies That Help Win B2B Tech Sales


Case studies can help B2B tech companies overcome credibility challenges, attract future customers, and increase brand reputation. This article explains how to plan, create, and promote your customer success stories.

Key Takeaways

  • Case studies help build credibility and can attract best-fit customers.
  • Pick customers who fit your target audience and have seen great results.
  • Tell a simple story: the customer’s problem, your solution, and the impact delivered.
  • Use case studies at every opportunity but don’t gate them.

Case studies are an effective way for B2B tech companies, especially startups, to get closer to their customers, gain credibility with future buyers, and help build brand equity.

Oftentimes, we struggle to win over hesitant buyers who doubt our ability to deliver. Case studies are an excellent answer. They’re real-world stories of how our solution resolved challenges and delivered results. They build trust, create tangible proof, and attract more of the same customers we’re putting in the spotlight.

Integrating case studies into our marketing strategy doesn’t just help win business, it reinforces our positioning and elevates our brand reputation.

The Case Study Creation Process

Creating effective case studies doesn’t happen by accident. It takes insight, strategy, and execution that focuses on showcasing how our customers succeed using our solution.

1. Plan Your Work

Objectives Best-Fit Customers Permission & Timeline
What do you want this case study to achieve? Refer back to your ideal customer profile. A well-crafted email is sufficient to obtain written permission.
Do you want to highlight a specific solution, target a particular industry, or address a common pain point? Focus on your “best-fit” customers. They love you for a reason and you want more of them. Set a realistic timeline for interviews, data collection, drafting, review, and publication.
Clarity is essential. It will help guide your entire process. Select a customer who has achieved significant results with your solution.
Enthusiastic customers who are willing to be featured will make the process smoother.

TIP: You don’t need to wait until you have “enough” customers. One good success story integrated into your marketing strategy is all it takes to begin attracting more customers.

Need help developing buyer personas? Check out:

2. Get the Facts

Conduct In-Depth Customer Interviews Gather Relevant Metrics and Supporting Data Collect Testimonials and Quotes
Prepare a list of open-ended questions that dig into the client’s challenges, decision-making process, implementation experience, and results. Collect facts and stats that demonstrate the impact of your solution (e.g., increased revenue, reduced costs, improved efficiency, etc). Direct quotes add authenticity and credibility.
Ask about specific metrics, quantifiable outcomes, and the impact on their business. Request any relevant reports, charts, or graphs that visually illustrate the client’s success. Ask for permission to use their name, title, logo, etc.
Don’t forget to ask for testimonials and quotes that you can use directly in the case study.

TIP: Always ask. Most customers are happy to share their success stories. If a company doesn't have case studies, they probably haven't asked.

Need help interviewing customers? I highly recommend Ryan Paul Gibson’s Customer Interviews That Don’t Suck.

3. Write and Design Your Story

Be Clear and Concise Focus on Storytelling Add Visuals Get Approval
Use a consistent format: 1. Problem
2. Solution
3. Results
4. Impact
Make your customer the hero of the story. Break up text with relevant charts, graphs, screenshots, or photos. Share the draft with your customer for review and feedback.
Clearly articulate the customer’s challenge, your proposed solution, and the positive outcomes achieved. Show how your solution helped them overcome challenges and achieve their goals. Visuals simplify complex concepts and make the case study more engaging. Ensure accuracy and get final approval before publishing.
Ensure the personality and tone of your case study aligns with your positioning, messaging, and branding.

TIP: Every successful project, install, or adopted product is an opportunity to create a customer success story.

Here are three success stories to help get you started. If you need help, reach out.

4. Help Your Case Studies Get Noticed

Your case studies are valuable assets, but they won’t work if they’re hidden or buried deep in your website.

Here’s how to integrate case studies strategically into your marketing mix:

Integrate Into Your Website Share on Social Media Email Campaigns
Dedicated Case Studies Page: If you have more than three, consider creating a central resources section where visitors can easily find and browse all your case studies. Create social media posts that highlight key takeaways, facts, figures, impact, etc. Add summaries or snippets to your email campaigns and newsletters.
Product or Service Pages: Feature relevant case studies on the pages that describe the specific solutions showcased in the case studies. This provides social proof and reinforces your unique value. Use visuals and calls to action – e.g., “Learn how [client name] achieved [result] with our [product/service].” Include relevant case studies in emails to guide buyers through their buying stages.
Homepage: Showcase your Top 3 case studies to capture attention and demonstrate social proof. Tag customers in your posts (with their permission) to increase visibility and potentially get them to share your content with their network.
Blog Posts: Turn case studies into blog posts to demonstrate specific aspects of the customer’s success story.

Sales Enablement Paid Advertising Additional Tips
Your sales team can use case studies to overcome objections and demonstrate the value of your solution. Use targeted ads on platforms like LinkedIn or Google Ads to promote your case studies to specific audiences. Don’t Gate Case Studies: Any opportunity to prove your worth should not be hidden behind a form. Instead, use other proprietary content, like in-depth reports.
Create one-page summaries (leave-behinds or tear sheets) that salespeople can share. Use them as free resources in drip campaigns to spark interest in juicier gated content. Track and Measure: Use CRM, Marketing Automation, and Web Analytics tools to track how your case studies are performing.
Retargeting can also help reach users who have previously shown interest in your online content. Update and Refresh: Regularly review and update your case studies to ensure they remain relevant and reflect your latest successes.
Get Creative: Explore other promotional channels like webinars, podcasts, or speaking engagements where you can share case studies.

Promoting your case studies is an ongoing effort. By consistently showcasing your customer’s successes, you’ll build credibility, attract the right future customers, and gain a reputation as a trusted partner.

TIP: Turning your case study into a customer testimonial video will impact your credibility and reach exponentially.

Final Thoughts

Showcasing our impact on a customer’s bottom line builds trust and demonstrates expertise. Case studies are investments in our brand’s future, establishing a reputation for excellence and lasting relationships.

Stories about how your solutions created success for your customers create a win-win that not only elevates your brand, but can also turn customers into fans.

The path to credibility and growth begins with your first case study. Make it happen by talking to your customers.

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