
Achim’s Razor

Positioning, Messaging, and Branding for B2B tech companies. Keep it simple. Keep it real.

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How to Create a Brand Playbook for B2B Tech | Free Template & Guide

Learn how to create a brand playbook for your B2B tech company. Get a free template and step-by-step guide to build brand trust and consistency.
September 6, 2024
5 min read


A brand playbook is a must-have for B2B tech companies. It documents your positioning, messaging, and identity, getting everyone on the same page. And when you clearly and consistently align the stuff you make with the people you make it for, you generate awareness, confidence, and trust all around.

Key Takeaways

  • Brand playbooks get everyone on the same page and speaking the same language.
  • Brand playbooks nail down what you stand for, what you’re in, and why people should give a damn.
  • Positioning defines who it’s for, what it’s for, and why it matters.
  • Messaging translates positioning into cohesive sales and marketing that clearly communicates why your solution is the obvious choice.
  • Download the free Brand Playbook Template to create your own.

What is a B2B Brand Playbook?

A B2B brand playbook is your company’s DNA on paper. For B2B tech firms, nailing your mission, positioning, messaging, and identity is what separates you from the masses. This guide walks you through the 5 steps to build a brand playbook that will set your organization up for success.

If Your Brand Sucks, This Is How to Fix It

Each year, thousands of B2B tech companies struggle to stand out and get noticed. It’s not their tech that sucks, it’s their brand. Too often it’s an afterthought (or in some cases a no-thought), all over the place—messy, inconsistent, and missing out on creating awareness, confidence, and trust.

A brand playbook tells everyone why we exist—employees, customers, partners, and investors. It helps us document how to position, message, and visually communicate why our company and solutions are the right fit. It also helps us maintain our brand reputation as we grow the business.

TIP: Brand and culture are tied at the hip. Make your brand playbook part of your HR onboarding process, and start your company all-hands or town halls with a brand recap. It gets new employees off on the right foot and keeps your brand top of mind.

In this step-by-step guide to a B2B tech brand playbook, I’ll show you how to keep everyone on the same page and speaking the same language. We’ll follow a process inspired by years of helping tech firms get their brand together, plus lean on April Dunford’s excellent book, Obviously Awesome.

Ready? Let’s go.

5 Steps to Build a B2B Tech Brand Playbook

Step-By-Step Guide for Building a B2B Tech Brand

Step 1: Mission, Vision, and Values

Before we start talking, we need to know who we are, what we’re in, and why we exist. 

  • Mission is our “why”—the reason we do what we do. This is all about the impact we want to have on the world. It’s inspirational.
  • Vision is where we’re headed. It’s the future we’re striving for. It should be bold, clear, and maybe even a little bit scary. It’s what Jim Collins calls the BHAG. It’s aspirational.
  • Values are the principles that guide our organization. They shape how we operate, how we treat our customers, ourselves, and how we want our brand to be perceived. 

Get these right, and you’ll have a solid foundation to build your brand playbook. Skip them, and you’re building a house of cards.

Need help nailing down your mission, vision, and values? Let’s talk!

Step 2: Positioning

By now, you should have completed a positioning exercise with your key stakeholders. If not, stop right here and head over to this guide before moving forward: How to Position B2B Tech Solutions: A Step-by-Step Guide.

Once you’ve nailed down your positioning, you’ll have everything you need to define how your solution fits in the market. A Positioning Canvas helps you map out your competitive landscape, unique strengths, and how you differentiate. 

  • Objective: What are you trying to achieve with your positioning?
  • Purpose: Why should this positioning matter?
  • Competitive Alternatives: What are you up against?
  • Distinct Capabilities: What do you do better than anyone else?
  • Differentiated Value Themes: What unique value do you bring to the table?
  • Best-Fit Customer Characteristics: Who are you trying to reach?
  • Market Category: What market niche gives you the best shot at winning?
  • Potential Trend (optional): What trends could impact your positioning? Be careful because layering on a trend can backfire if executed poorly. 
  • Positioning Statement: A clear, concise statement that captures your positioning in a nutshell.
  • Tagline: Your brand in one short punchy line.
B2B Tech Positioning Canvas: based on April Dunford’s Workbook.
The Positioning Canvas is based on April Dunford’s Workbook.

Step 3: Messaging

Now that your positioning is locked down, it’s time to put it into words that your audience will notice. Your messaging should translate your positioning into something meaningful for them and back up your sales and marketing.


  • One-Liner: A quick pitch that sums up your value in one sentence.
  • One Paragraph: A brief description that expands on your one-liner.
  • 100-Word Description: A concise overview of your brand and solution.
  • 500-Word Brand Story: A more detailed narrative that tells your brand’s story.
  • Brand Promise: the ONE thing your customers can count on when interacting with your organization and your solutions.
  • USP: Your Unique Selling Proposition highlights what makes your solution unique compared to the alternatives.
  • Elevator Pitch: The short and sweet version of what you do and why it matters.
  • PR Strapline: The hook that grabs attention in public relations and marketing.
Brand Playbook Template for B2B Tech Solutions: brand pyramid

Brand Pyramid:

  • Personality: What’s the tone and style of your brand?
  • Key Values: What principles drive your brand?
  • Customer Rewards: What benefits do customers gain from your solution?
  • Functional Benefits: What practical, functional benefits do you offer?
  • Brand Features: What specific features set your solution apart?

Step 4: Value

This is where you show why your solution actually matters. The themes, capabilities, and benefits from your positioning exercise will feed into a Value Point Table. This will help you break down the value you deliver.

  • Target Segment: Who are we selling to?
  • Buyer/Audience Persona: What do we know about our target buyers?
  • Problem Space: What problems do our buyers face?
  • Current Solutions: What solutions are they using now?
  • Shortcomings of Current Solutions: Why aren’t those solutions enough?
  • Value Themes: What value do we offer that they can’t get elsewhere?
  • Features: What specific features address their needs?
  • Benefits: What benefits will they experience with our solution?
  • Proof Points: What evidence do we have to back up our claims?
  • UVP: Your Unique Value Proposition focuses on the specific value or benefits your solution brings from the customer’s perspective.

Step 5: Corporate Identity

This is where the visual and physical representation of your brand comes into play.

Brand Playbook Corporate Identity Examples

Almost every tech solution starts here—at Step 5—instead of Step 1. That’s OK when you’re getting going, but if left unchecked it will bite you in the ass. Trust me. Do the work in the first four steps. Your future self will be grateful.

  • Logo: Your primary visual identifier.
  • Logo Usage: Guidelines on how to use your logo correctly.
  • Color Palette: The colors that represent your brand.
  • Fonts: The typography that reflects your brand’s tone.
  • Icons: Custom icons that align with your brand’s style. No need to reinvent the wheel—there are plenty of icon libraries you can grab and make your own.
  • Branded Samples: Examples of your brand in action (website, collateral, presentations, etc).

Free Template

To make it easy for you to put all of this into action, I’ve created a free, customizable Brand Playbook Template based on the exact process we’ve just covered. It’s in Google Docs but easily downloadable as Word, PDF, RTF, or other formats.

Whether you’re just starting to build your brand or refining an existing one, this brand playbook template for tech startups gives you everything you need to ensure everyone is on the same page, speaking the same language, and pulling in the same direction.

However, if this feels too daunting, I’m happy to help. Reach out anytime.

Final Thoughts

Brand playbooks document how our organization and our solutions are perceived in the minds of the people we’re trying to help. Without it, we’re flying blind, hoping our solutions will be enough (spoiler: they aren’t).

A clearly defined and communicated brand makes everything easier. Our entire team knows the story we’re telling, our customers know why they should care, and the stuff we make becomes more than just another tech solution taking up space.

Start building your brand playbook today, and create a brand that sticks with people long after the first touchpoint.

Need help with your Brand Playbook? 

Let’s chat—because you’ve got better things to do than fly blind.

If you like this content, here are some more ways I can help:

  • Follow me on LinkedIn for bite-sized tips and freebies throughout the week.
  • Work with me. Schedule a call to see if we’re a fit. No obligation. No pressure.
  • Subscribe for ongoing insights and strategies (enter your email below).


This article is AC-A and also published and discussed on LinkedIn. Join the conversation!


How to Position B2B Tech Solutions: A Step-by-Step Guide

Learn how effective B2B tech positioning can make your solution the obvious choice using a proven process that ensures long-term success.
August 30, 2024
5 min read


Trying to be everything to everyone in B2B tech means we’re already losing. Positioning is the critical first step—it’s our survival tactic in a market flooded with noise. With Martech growing at 28% YOY, standing out isn’t just hard; it’s friggin’ brutal. Focusing on customers and clearly differentiating our unique value is how we shift from being just another widget to being a solution that’s hard to ignore.

Key Takeaways

  • Customer-Centric Positioning: Always start with insight—your customers’ pains and motivations—not your product’s features.
  • Differentiation: Your unique value isn’t a bullet point on a feature list; it’s the reason people should care.
  • Market Fit: If you’re not in the right market niche, your value might as well be invisible.
  • Positioning Process: Follow a proven process that aligns your messaging with what your customers actually care about.
  • Long-Term Success: Positioning is the foundation of your growth strategy.

Selling Tech is Hard but Buying It is Harder

Getting on the buyer’s shortlist in B2B tech is very difficult when no one knows who we are, what we do, or what we stand for. With over 100,000 tech solutions out there, it’s easy to become just another face in the crowd. Many companies—especially startups—struggle to stand out. Without unique positioning, they risk blending in, forgotten and ignored.

And when 80%–90% of buyers already have a set of vendors in mind before they do a stitch of research, and 90% of them choose a vendor on day one, the chances of getting their attention is like winning the lottery.

B2B buyers have already made their decision before doing any research

As a founder or leader of a B2B tech firm, no doubt you’ve felt the heat. Launching a product in a saturated market feels like pushing a boulder up a mountain. The pressure to get noticed, attract leads, and generate sales is overwhelming. But here’s the thing: positioning is your lever. It’s how you turn the impossible into the inevitable. This is how B2B tech solutions like was able to chip away at industry giants like Asana over 6 years. That’s 6 YEARS, by the way, not 6 months. 

In this article, I’m going to show you how to shift from being solely product- or sales-led to becoming customer-focused and business-led. I’ll walk you through a step-by-step process, drawing on inspiration from April Dunford’s book, Obviously Awesome, to help you position your B2B tech solution for your best-fit customers.

NOTE: If you’re ready to do positioning on your own, go grab April’s book, and dive in. But if you’re looking for a little guidance, stick around and read on.

Customer-Focused Positioning Wins Everytime

We’ve all been there—trapped in a product-focused mindset, cranking out salsey marketing because we’re excited about what we’ve built. The problem? Everyone else is doing the same thing. According to Clay Ostrom at Map&Fire, only 33% of B2B solutions have strong differentiation. That’s not just a stat; that’s a red flag.

67% of B2B brands lack strong differentiation.

Understanding our customers—their pains, needs, and motivations—is our best shot at positioning our solution as the perfect answer to their problems.

“A good doctor treats the patient, not the illness.”
Reiko Scott,

Forget flashy marketing. It’s like a shiny new fishing lure that only gets nibbles. When buyers know exactly why they should care about our B2B tech solution, they don’t just nibble—they bite. And they keep biting. Just ask or Slack or Canva. 

Clarity comes from deep customer and market insight, not from guessing or copying trends. Our job isn’t to invent a message out of thin air—it’s to discover what our customers already value most about our product and make it impossible to ignore.

Just starting out? You’re probably tempted to dive straight into sales tactics. Be careful. Do you want to build a house on stilts or a house on solid footing? Get this right early, and everything—your messaging, marketing, sales, brand reputation, internal culture—will fall into place more naturally as you scale. 

Solid B2B tech positioning requires a solid footing

Positioning Reality Check

Effective B2B tech positioning is an outcome of digging deep into understanding who our solution is for, what it’s for, and why buyers should give a damn. It has nothing to do with these things:

What B2B tech positioning is not.

April Dunford on what positioning is.

What Happens After Positioning:

  • You’ll learn more about who you are and what you’re really offering.
  • You’ll get crystal clear on your unique value.
  • You’ll lay the foundation for effective and differentiated sales and marketing.

What does NOT Happen After Positioning:

  • You won’t walk away with a shiny new tagline on day one (that comes later).
  • You won’t have a snappy new elevator pitch by tomorrow (that comes later).
  • You won’t get a funky new website with flashy content, sales tools, and eye candy (that comes later).

Clear positioning strips away the crap and gets down to what truly matters to the people we’re trying to help. Anyone can cast a shiny new lure into a pond. It’s much harder to get the fish to bite. The right positioning is like the right bait—if it’s tasty, the fish will bite.

6 Steps to Positioning Success

Step 1: Who Is It For?

  • Identify Best-Fit Customers: Make a list of your top customers who love your company and product and align with your goals. You’ll need this list later in Step 5.
  • Conduct Customer Interviews: Talk to at least 10 of your best customers. Dig into their pain points, fears, motivations, and decision-making process.
  • Cross-Reference Insights: Compare and corroborate feedback from customers with insights from your Sales, Product, and CX teams, and vice versa. Analyze historical data. Look for patterns and validation.

FYI Startups: No customers yet? No problem. Interview potential candidates or colleagues who fit your target profile. You’ll learn more than you think.

Step 2: What Are You Up Against?

  • Identify Competitive Alternatives: List your competition—including products, services, and the status quo. Don’t assume your competition is just another product—consider spreadsheets, internal resources, or simply the fear of fucking up (FOFU).
  • Map Against Customer Research: Align the alternatives with insights from your customer research to spot patterns.
  • Like this:

Step 3: What Makes You Unique?

  • Identify Unique Capabilities: What do you offer that no one else does? What do you do better than anyone else?
  • Be Deliberate: Highlight your “secret sauce”—the core elements that make you distinct.
  • Spot Emerging Themes: You should start noticing common patterns and themes cropping up.
  • Like this:

“Be distinct or be extinct.”
Tom Peters

Step 4: What Value Do You Deliver?

  • Link Unique Attributes to Value: If your unique capabilities are your “secret sauce,” then your value is why customers care about it.
  • Organize Value into Buckets: Group your unique attributes into value themes from both a potential buyer’s and an existing customer’s perspective.
  • Map Attributes to Proof: Connect your solution with its unique attributes, value themes, and proof points. Reminder: proof has nothing to do with our opinions so set them aside.
  • Like this:

Step 5: Who Cares a Lot About Your Value?

  • Focus on Best-Fit Customers: Identify the characteristics of your best-fit customers and why they love you.
  • Niche Down: Narrow your target to meet near-term sales objectives but ensure the market is big enough to hit your business goals.
  • Make a List: List your best-fit customers in one column, their characteristics in another, and why they love you in a third.
  • Like this:

Step 6: Pick the Market That Will Give You the Best Chance at Success TODAY

  • Determine the Best Niche: Identify the market segment where your strengths are most valued.
  • Position Within the Niche: Make sure your value is clear and relevant within this segment.

Refer to April’s Positioning Styles to weigh your options:

  1. Head to head: When the market category already exists and you are attempting to win the entire market.
  2. Big Fish, Smaller Pond: When the market category already exists and you are attempting to win only a sub-segment of it.
  3. Create a new Game: When no existing market category works to position your strengths at an advantage, and you decide to create an entirely new category.

Once you have completed these steps, you can create a positioning and messaging playbook. That document is super helpful and can serve as the opening for your brand guidelines. I’ve created these documents for a few clients and they literally become the “bible” for the sales, marketing, product and CX teams.

2 Success Stories

If you want to see this method in action, here are two stories worth checking out:

  • UserList: Launched in 2017 and applied April Dunford’s method in “Obviously Awesome” verbatim to solve their positioning problem in 2019.
  • BELLIN Treasury: Followed a similar process in 2013 and grew 4x over 6 years (acquired in 2020). Although this happened a few years before April wrote her book, one of the reasons I love “Obviously Awesome” is because it validated my approach for BELLIN, albeit differently. April simplifies the process of positioning B2B tech solutions much better too.

Final Thoughts

B2B tech positioning isn’t a checkbox on our to-do list—it’s the foundation of everything we do in marketing and sales. It needs regular review and validation, especially when you’re starting out and when markets shift. Get it right, and our product doesn’t just survive—it thrives. Fail at it, and we’re just another thing taking up space.

April Dunford on what happens when we fail at positioning.

Effective positioning is a process of discovery, not invention, uncovering the value that already exists in our solution and making it crystal clear to the people who need it most. When we succeed at positioning, we can move from being just another look-alike to being the obvious choice.

So, are you ready to get it right? Book a 1-Day Positioning Workshop with me.

Need specific advice for your B2B tech firm? Reach out. I’m always happy to chat.

If you like this content, here are some more ways I can help:

  • Follow me on LinkedIn for bite-sized tips and freebies throughout the week.
  • Work with me. Schedule a call to see if we’re a fit. No obligation. No pressure.
  • Subscribe for ongoing insights and strategies (enter your email below).


PS: This article is also published and discussed on LinkedIn. Join the conversation!


How to Fill the Insight Gap in B2B Tech Marketing

Learn how the lack of insight creates a costly vacuum for B2B Tech Marketing and discover actionable steps to build customer-driven strategies that get results.
August 23, 2024
5 min read


In B2B tech marketing, lack of customer insights creates a product-focused vacuum that leads to ineffective tactics, wasted resources, and missed opportunities. Avoid this by making research the priority, revisiting insights, and ensuring marketing strategies are customer-driven and aligned with long-term growth. When insight stays rooted to the core of our marketing, we give our solutions the best chance to succeed.

Key Takeaways

  • Prioritize Research: Understanding your best-fit customers, market niche, and competitive alternatives helps you avoid guesswork.
  • Regularly Reassess Insights: Schedule regular reviews of customer data and market trends to keep your strategies relevant and aligned with your business goals.
  • Make Customer-Driven Decisions: Use customer insights to guide marketing decisions, from messaging to channel selection, to ensure your tactics are on point.
  • Avoid the “Art Director” Trap: To create marketing that gets results, focus on communication and strategy rather than aesthetics and decoration.
  • Put Marketing Back at the Table: Involve marketing early in strategic decisions and invest in leadership to ensure insight-driven approaches are prioritized.

Nature Abhors a Vacuum

In nature, vacuums are rare. Wherever a gap exists, something rushes in to fill it. The vacuum we’re dealing with in B2B tech marketing is a lack of insight.

When marketing operates without insight, it creates a void that gets filled with guesswork, mixed messages, and ineffective approaches. This vacuum doesn’t just cause small hiccups; it creates a chain reaction of issues that continuously waste time, money, and opportunities. Teams get caught in a spin cycle of short-term tactics that look good on the surface but fail to deliver real results.

Many tech firms don’t realize they’re creating this vacuum because during startup phase, it’s very common to be heads-down in tactics. With constant pressure to generate leads and keep up with the competition, it’s easier to stay in “Tactics Land” than come up for air and do the necessary research to scale the business. You don’t know what you don’t know.

In this article, I’ll show you how this vacuum forms, the problems it creates, and how to fill it with the insights needed to produce effective marketing.

Everything Starts With Insight

Lack of insight stems from a failure to do our research and due diligence. Skipping this important first step means we do not have the context we need to make informed decisions. To compensate, we end up going to market blindfolded and guessing what to do and who to do it for.

When we don’t invest in understanding our best-fit customers, the specific market niche we serve, or the competitive alternatives we’re up against, we create fragmented views of the market. This leaves us guessing about who we’re speaking to, what they care about, and how our solution fits into their world.

Without this context, marketing becomes a game of darts played in the dark. We might hit the target occasionally, but more often than not, we miss it entirely. Worse, we don’t even know how far off we are because we lack the data and metrics to measure accurately.

The Blind and the Elephant

This vacuum of context doesn’t just make marketing less effective; it makes it almost impossible to plan strategically. And when we don’t understand our audience, we fall into the trap of talking to ourselves, focusing on what we think is important rather than what our customers actually care about.

The first step in filling this vacuum is to commit to doing the hard work of research. And because it is hard, it is avoided. But understanding our best-fit customers, their needs, and our competitive alternatives gives us the best chance to confidently build a solid foundation to go to market. When we take the blinders off, we create positioning and messaging that hits the target every time.

5 Ways to Avoid the B2B Tech Marketing Vacuum

1. Prioritize Research 

Before we can think about scaling, we need to understand the playing field we compete in. Don’t skip the foundational research. The longer we put it off the longer it takes to scale. 

  • Identify Your Best-Fit Customers: Who are they? What motivates them? Scares them? What are their specific pain points? Why would they choose you?
  • Understand Your Market Niche: What’s your unique value proposition? What makes you different? Where does your solution fit in the broader market?
  • Analyze Competitive Alternatives: Who else is solving the same problem? How are they positioning themselves, and what differentiates your offering? What about the status quo?
  • Dig Deeper: How Deep Customer Insights & Brand Building Drive B2B Tech Success

2. Come Up for Air

It’s easy to get lost in the day-to-day grind while we’re in growth mode. Make it a habit to step back and reassess periodically. Annually is the minimum, quarterly is ideal. 

  • Schedule Insight Reviews: Make time to review customer data, market trends, and competitive alternatives.
  • Engage with Customers: Don’t just rely on what you think you know. Never “ass-u-me.” Talking to customers regularly validates our assumptions and gathers fresh insights.
  • Engage with Sales, Product, and CX Teams: Our colleagues won’t tell us everything and neither will our customers. Make sure to validate your findings by separating facts from opinions and personal points of view.
  • Adjust Your Strategies: If your insights reveal shifts in the market or customer needs, be ready to pivot your strategy accordingly.
  • Dig Deeper: Customer Research: The Foundation of B2B Tech Marketing Success 

3. Use Insight to Make Decisions

Every marketing decision, from messaging to channel selection, should be rooted in Insight. It impacts the effectiveness of our GTM strategy (Go-To-Market) and our creative execution. Skipping this step is almost always the root cause of failed marketing campaigns. 

  • Build Personas: Create detailed personas based on real data. Use these as a reference for all marketing activities to ensure you’re targeting the right audience with the right message.
  • Drive Strategy With Data: Instead of guessing, use the data you’ve gained to guide your strategy. This will help you stay relevant and effective.
  • Test and Learn: Not every campaign will be a home run, but by testing and iterating based on insights, you can continually improve your marketing efforts.
  • Dig Deeper: Build Winning B2B Sales Teams: Audience Personas for Procurement Decisions 

4. Avoid the “Art Director” Trap

Marketing is rife with creative wannabes and experts. Without insight, it’s tempting to jump straight into creative design, invent a strategy based on what “we like,” and make up a bunch of nonsense to justify it. It’s why so much “good-looking marketing” fails to deliver. 

  • Focus on Communication, Not Decoration: Effective marketing isn’t about making things look pretty; it’s about communicating value. Make sure your creative execution is grounded in customer needs, not just aesthetics.
  • Start with Strategy, Not Tactics: Don’t jump straight into creating ads or campaigns. Start with a strategy informed by insights, and let that guide your execution.
  • Don’t Get distracted: Debating what shade of blue is better is pointless. And unless you have a legitimate business case, you don’t need a new logo, website, etc. Stay focused.
  • Dig Deeper: How to Stop Taste Debates 

5. Put Marketing Back at the Table

Marketing is one of only two business functions that produce results. The other is innovation. B2B tech rarely invests in marketing as it does innovation. If you’re running a tech firm with stable marketing leadership at the table, you’re light years ahead of any competitor who is simply “product-led.”

  • Involve Marketing Early: In product development, sales planning, and any other strategic decisions, make sure marketing has a seat at the table. For example, an experienced product marketer isn’t just beneficial; it’s essential. 
  • Invest in Marketing Leadership: Consider having a marketing leader on your executive team to ensure that insight-driven strategies are a priority. 
  • Dig Deeper: What B2B Marketing & Product Teams Can Learn From Peter Drucker

Final Thoughts

Lack of insight creates a vacuum that wastes time, money, and effort. It’s avoidable if we prioritize research. Clarity is essential for any business. It drives better results, both in the short-term and the long-term.

As the famous Dilbert comic strip illustrates, marketing without insight is just liquor and guessing. But with the right data, we can steer the business in the right direction. Marketing becomes more effective because it’s not just eye candy. Everyone, especially Sales, become increasingly confident because everything works in unison.

Dilbert: marketing is just liquor and guessing.

Invest in research, build strategies rooted in insight, and avoid the costly mistakes that come from operating in a vacuum. Your future self—and your bottom line—will thank you for it.

If you need specific advice for your B2B tech firm, reach out. I’m always happy to chat. 

If you like this content, here are some more ways I can help:

  • Follow me on LinkedIn for bite-sized tips and freebies throughout the week.
  • Work with me. Schedule a call to see if we’re a fit. No obligation. No pressure.
  • Subscribe for ongoing insights and strategies (enter your email below).


PS: This article is also published and discussed on LinkedIn. Join the conversation!


How To Generate Quality Leads By Boosting Your Brand Reputation

Boosting your tech brand’s reputation generates leads today and tomorrow. Learn how Insight, Strategy, Creative, and Metrics drive sustainable business growth.
August 16, 2024
5 min read


Building a reputable B2B tech brand is essential for creating the awareness, confidence, and trust that generates quality leads. Deep customer insights produce well-executed strategies that set the tone for communicating our unique value. And by showcasing our success with real-world customer stories, we gain the credibility we need to grow our brand reputation and win future business.

Key Takeaways

  • Build your brand early. Like building financial equity, early investment in brand equity supports sales, marketing, product, and CX teams today AND tomorrow.
  • Know your customers. Research and data help you understand your customers. They will tell you what to say and how to say it. Talk to them regularly.
  • Have a clear plan. A plan that is backed by real insight keeps positioning and messaging consistent across all channels. Clarity makes messages stronger and leads to higher-quality leads.
  • Focus on clear messages. Flashy design is less important than messages that solve problems and show your brand’s value. Communicate, don’t decorate. 
  • Track and improve. Use historical and causal data to track your progress, predict your brand’s reputation, and improve your strategy over time.

A reputable brand reputation is the key to generating quality leads. It give sales, marketing, customer service, and product teams the “air cover” they need to succeed today and tomorrow.

Brand reputation is earned, not bought. It can take 3-5 years to build it up, but too often, impatience kills momentum before it has a chance to stick.

Building a trusted reputation requires a commitment to the customer experience. Proof points—case studies, client testimonials, online reviews, and peer recommendations—establish credibility. For start-ups, it’s best to keep things loose and rely on existing relationships to generate early wins that can start building these proof points.

Start-ups also face the immediate challenge of needing leads ASAP. This creates a “chicken and egg” dilemma where brand reputation takes a back seat to quick wins. The problem with this approach is that we forget about brand and rarely fix it (out of sight, out of mind). It’s best to drive awareness through word-of-mouth early on while staying focused on building brand reputation.

In this article, I’ll break down how to create a “lead machine” by focusing on four key areas: Insight, Strategy, Creative, and Metrics. I wrote about these pillars in 2010 and they still form the foundation of a successful B2B marketing campaign. Get them right, and you’ll drive more leads—today and in the future.

1. Insight: Get the Right Ideas for Generating Quality Leads

Everything starts with insight. Better insight always produces better outcomes. And if you’re a subscriber, you’ve already heard me “beat the drum” about customer research. What customers think and see drives the positioning and messaging that resonates with them. Without insight, we’re just guessing (cue the Dilbert cartoons).

How to Gather Insight

  1. Talk to Your Customers: Interview them. Ask them about their needs, fears, motivations, criteria, and what they value most. They will tell you how to position your solution and how to communicate its unique value proposition. 
  2. Analyze Your Data: Use historical data from your CRM, marketing automation tools, and web analytics to dig into customer behavior. Look for patterns, trends, and correlations that can guide your strategy and strengthen your brand’s positioning and messaging. Causal analysis tools like Proof Analytics will help you understand the impact of specific actions on brand reputation and marketing time lag, which directly influences lead quality.
  3. Study the Market: Keep an eye on industry reports, influencers, competitor activities, and broader market trends. Context is key for staying top of mind.

NOTE: You can also use surveys and focus groups but don’t go overboard or think they are good enough. Direct conversations are always better. 

What To Do Next

  • Schedule at least 10 interviews with your best-fit customers. Why best fit? Because you want more of them. Understand why they chose your solution. Use this insight to fine-tune your positioning and messaging. If you don’t have 10 customers, start with one. For more on this, read How Deep Customer Insights & Brand Building Drive B2B Tech Success.
  • Review Your Data: Identify key metrics like customer retention rates, lead sources, and purchase history. Use this data, along with causal analysis, to refine your target audience and strengthen your brand’s positioning.
  • Research Your Market Niche: Spend an hour a week reviewing industry reports or competitor blogs. Note down any trends that could impact your brand strategy and lead generation efforts.
  • Grab These Two Resources: Running Customer Interviews That Don’t Suck and Customer Research Templates.

Two excellent customer research resources from Ryan Paul Gibson (L) and Olena Bomko (R)

2. Strategy: Align Your Brand for Effective Lead Generation

A Go-to-Market (GTM) strategy that’s rooted in solid customer insight is essential for generating quality leads. It ensures our brand message is consistent, clear, and relevant across all channels, making it more likely to attract and convert high-quality leads. Remember, brand reputation builds over time through a sequence of Awareness > Confidence > Trust and can take 3-5 years. Without insight, the business continues to struggle with each year feeling like Groundhog Day.

How to Build Your Strategy

  1. Define Your Audience: Break down your market into clear segments. Know who you’re targeting and why. This clarity ensures your brand speaks directly to the right people.
  2. Create Your Messaging: Develop messaging that highlights your brand’s unique value proposition, based on the insights you’ve gathered. Ensure it’s consistent across all touchpoints, and focus on building trust through clear, consistent communication.
  3. Align Your Channels: Make sure your website, social media, email campaigns, and sales materials are all telling the same story. This alignment reinforces your brand and makes your marketing more effective.

What To Do Next

  • Create Audience Personas: Develop a detailed persona that represent your best-fit customer (usually NOT an individual). Start with one. Chances are your best-fit buying audience won’t change unless you sell into very distinct market niches. Use personas to guide your messaging and ensure your brand resonates with the right audience, leading to higher-quality leads. For more on this, read Build Winning B2B Sales Teams: Audience Personas for Procurement Decisions.
  • Draft Key Messages: Write a messaging manifesto that highlights your brand’s unique value proposition, positioning, and sales pitch. Make sure these are clear, concise, and aligned with the insights you’ve gathered.
  • Review Channel Alignment: Ensure your website, social media, and sales materials are consistent and aligned with your brand strategy. Adjust where necessary to keep everything on point and focused.
  • Download this Free Go-To-Market Strategy Template:

Go-To-Market Strategy Template

3. Creative: Deliver Clear Communication and Build Proof Points

Creativity in B2B isn’t about flashy designs—it’s about delivering value. Content should differentiate our brand by addressing our audience's needs, not by how it looks. Yes, it should be well-designed and “on brand,” but that doesn’t mean going overboard with “artsy decoration.” Good design communicates. Bad design decorates. Too often, marketing creative becomes a committee project that ends in silly taste debates. Focus on showcasing value and credibility via proof points like case studies, client testimonials, testimonial videos, social proof, and online reviews. Leave the art to the galleries.

“If it doesn’t sell, it isn’t creative.”
David Ogilvy

How to Execute

  1. Develop Valuable Content: Focus on creating content that educates and solves problems for your audience. Your website is your primary source for whitepapers, case studies, reports, and how-to guides to reinforce your brand’s expertise and authority. Start with early wins and existing relationships to build these proof points.
  2. Prioritize Clarity: Ensure your messaging is straightforward and jargon-free. Simplicity beats cleverness in B2B, and clear communication strengthens your brand’s credibility, making it easier to generate quality leads. Use proof points to back up your claims and build trust.
  3. Use Multiple Digital Channels: Use social media, email, videos, and your website to distribute your content where your audience is most active. Consistent, well-targeted content helps build brand recognition. Highlight your proof points across these channels to provide evidence of your brand’s reliability and success. The more you show up, the more you stand out. But it doesn’t happen overnight.

What To Do Next

  • Plan Content: Outline 3 pieces of content that address your audience's biggest challenges. Start with a whitepaper, a blog post, and a case study that highlight market insight, competitive shortcomings, and your brand’s strengths. Use these as proof points to build credibility. For more on this, read How to Write Case Studies That Help Win B2B Tech Sales.
  • Simplify Your Messaging: Review your existing content and strip out any unnecessary jargon and fluff. Think mobile-first. Focus on clear, direct language that reinforces your brand’s value. Incorporate testimonials or reviews where possible to add credibility.
  • Optimize Distribution: Choose the 2-3 digital channels that are most effective for reaching your audience. Develop a content calendar to keep your efforts consistent and aligned with your brand strategy. Feature client testimonials, social proof, and case studies prominently to demonstrate your brand’s success. If you need help creating case studies, check out these three examples. #StealLikeAnArtist

Webflow integrates various ways to consume their customer success stories.

4. Metrics: Measure and Optimize to Ensure Consistent Lead Generation

We can’t build and maintain brand equity without knowing what’s working. Tracking our marketing performance helps us refine our strategy and ensure our brand continues to grow. Causal analysis plays an important role by helping us measure and forecast brand reputation and understand marketing time lag, which directly impacts lead quality.

“What you see determines what you understand, and that, in turn, drives your decisions.”
Mark Stouse, CEO,
Proof Analytics

How to Measure

  1. Set Clear KPIs: Identify the key metrics that matter most to your business and brand, such as lead conversion rates, website traffic, customer lifetime value, and brand reputation. These metrics will help you gauge the quality of your leads and the effectiveness of your efforts.
  2. Use the Right Tools: Use web analytics, CRM data, marketing automation tools, and causal analytics to track your performance in real-time. This data is critical for making informed decisions that strengthen your brand.
  3. Test and Learn: Regularly test different approaches to see what resonates best with your audience. Use these insights to continually optimize your strategy and reinforce your brand. Regular interactions with customers is also a great way to test and learn.

What To Do Next

  • Define KPIs: Select 3-4 KPIs (not 50) that align with your business goals and brand strategy. Make sure they’re measurable and actionable, and track them consistently. For more on this, read B2B Brand Marketing: The Long-Term Play for Sustainable Growth.
  • Implement Tracking: Ensure all your digital channels are set up with analytics tools. Regularly review the data, including causal analytics, to spot trends and adjust your strategy as needed to maintain or improve lead quality.
  • Run A/B Tests: Identify one area of your marketing to test—like email subject lines or landing page layouts. Analyze the results and iterate based on what you learn to continuously optimize and strengthen your brand. is the only causal analysis tool that can measure brand reputation and marketing time lag.

Final Thoughts

Trusted brands get put on the shortlist. We don’t buy reputation, we earn it. The process of triggering awareness, confidence, and trust in our brand can take years, but it’s the foundation for winning new business now and in the future.

Remember: No one ever got fired for buying IBM for a reason. 

To emulate IBM’s legacy, always put the customer first, deliver value, and build up case studies, testimonials, and online reviews. Update or replace success stories as you continue to build up your reputation. 

Whatever you do, don’t wait or set your brand reputation aside. Every moment your brand lies dormant is like taking years off the life of your business. Start taking these steps now to build a brand reputation that will drive your company’s success today and tomorrow. Invest in brand equity as you would financial equity.

If you need specific advice for your B2B tech firm, reach out. I’m always happy to chat. 

If you like this content, here are some more ways I can help:

  • Follow me on LinkedIn for bite-sized tips and freebies throughout the week.
  • Work with me. Schedule a call to see if we’re a fit. No obligation. No pressure.
  • Subscribe for ongoing insights and strategies (enter your email below).


PS: This article is also published and discussed on LinkedIn. Join the conversation!


The B2B Tech Guide to Customer Experience

Learn strategies for understanding B2B tech customer experience, incorporating data analytics, utilizing generative AI, and creating a customer-centric culture.
August 9, 2024
5 min read


B2B tech leaders can drive growth by focusing on customers instead of products. Understand your buyers, use data and AI wisely, and align your entire organization around delivering exceptional customer experiences. The goal? Build credibility and turn customers into fans.

Key Takeaways

  • Put customers first, engage with them often, and turn them into loyal brand advocates.
  • Analyze data to better understand your customers and make smarter decisions.
  • Use AI in relevant and meaningful ways to improve CX, but don’t forget the human element: keep it simple and keep it real.
  • Create a company culture that puts customers at the center, from top to bottom. Be customer-obsessed.

NOTE: This is a deeper dive than normal. I tried to do this in a 5min read, but it ended up being 3x that because there is so much to cover. So grab your fav cup of joe and let’s go!

Meeting or exceeding expectations is no longer enough; we must delight and amaze customers at every opportunity to turn them into loyal fans. With over 14,000 martech solutions alone, prioritizing customer experience (CX) can mean the difference between thriving and merely surviving.

In our pursuit to build the next big thing, we often neglect the voice of the customer and set aside our brand reputation. But standing out requires more than just a great product—it requires an unwavering commitment to the customer. Instead of focusing solely on product-led and sales-led strategies, becoming customer-obsessed and business-led elevates our brand reputation for future growth.

Meeting or exceeding expectations doesn't cut it anymore in B2B Customer Experience. To create raving fans, we need to delight and amaze them at every touchpoint.

B2B Customer Experience: Understand Who It’s For

If there was ever one domain that could achieve better marketing results from customer research it would have to be B2B tech. Too often we end up building solutions for ourselves and subsequently create insular marketing.

The Importance of Customer Research

Investing in customer research early and often is key to creating better CX. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Always start with a deep understanding of your best-fit customers. Focus on best-fit. You want more of them.
  • Differentiate needs: An individual buyer will have different requirements than a procurement team.
  • Engage in real conversations: Use email, social media, quarterly business reviews, and other channels to have ongoing dialogues with your customers.
  • Capture insights: Capture pain points, motivations, hopes, and fears and make sure these interactions are documented in your CRM to stay ahead of evolving customer needs.
  • Create unique positioning: Customer insights are invaluable for positioning your company and products. They provide the foundation for messaging that truly resonates with your audience.
  • Create effective messaging: Regular conversations with customers help you refine your language, ensuring your messaging speaks directly to their needs and desires. Customers will often tell you what to say and how to say it.
  • Avoid talking to “ourselves”: Engaging in ongoing dialogue with customers keeps your messaging relevant and focused on their perspectives, preventing you from falling into the trap of internal echo chambers.
  • Stay proactive: Regular engagement helps you anticipate customer needs and respond to changes before they become issues.
  • Avoid assumptions: Never assume you know what your customers want, think, or see.
  • Invest in thorough research: Gather insights into customer needs, preferences, fears, and behaviors.
  • Engage regularly: Continuous interaction with customers ensures you’re not making assumptions and are always aligned with their needs.

As previously highlighted in The Product-Led Growth Trap, and The Foundation of B2B Tech Marketing Success, neglecting customer research can lead to developing products that no one wants or perceives as too risky.

Customer-Obsessed vs. Product-Led and Sales-Led

Many B2B tech firms tend to be overly focused on products, often to their detriment. Shifting to a customer-obsessed approach can make all the difference:

  • Avoid product obsession: B2B tech firms, especially those led by engineers, often focus too much on the product, leading to a product-led or sales-led strategy that prioritizes chasing leads.
  • Shift to customer obsession: Balance short-term lead generation with long-term brand building by focusing on understanding and delighting customers at every touchpoint.
  • Create raving fans: Delighting and amazing customers consistently turn them into loyal advocates who will support your brand in the long run.
  • Follow expert advice: To become customer-centric, heed the advice of business experts like Peter Drucker and Philip Kotler.

Adopting a customer-obsessed mindset give us a better chance at sustainable growth and building credibility that product-led and sales-led strategies alone cannot achieve. This is also how we create raving fans, as described in Fanocracy by David Meerman Scott and Reiko Scott.

"Focus on products alone results in a race to the bottom." David Meerman Scott, "Fanocracy"

Customer Journeys Over Multiple Touchpoints Over Time

In B2B tech, the customer experience can be long and complex. Here’s how to navigate it effectively:

  • CX has many interactions: It’s not about isolated interactions but the sum of small experiences over many months (or years) that shape your brand’s reputation.
  • Own it: CX is not a department. Everyone, from the CEO to the person answering the calls, is responsible.
  • Document the touchpoints: Identify every stage, from initial awareness to post-purchase advocacy, and find opportunities to enhance each touchpoint.
  • Understand the complexity: B2B tech buying often involves multiple stakeholders, longer sales cycles, and higher stakes, requiring personalized support throughout.
  • Manage the risk: The biggest competitor is often the status quo and FOFU (Fear of Fucking Up)—the safest decision is often no decision.
  • Consider the time lag: Marketing Time Lag impacts marketing’s ability to yield results. Markets don’t react on our time. Be patient and persistent.

What we expect: a linear B2B Customer Experience path to success. The reality: buyers take their time and hit multiple touchpoints at any given time.
Buyers take their time and are “all over the map” when they are considering a solution. (Credit: Olena Bomko)

Case Study

Maximizer CRM logo

In the 1990s, Maximizer CRM was one of the top contact management solutions. But with Salesforce’s rise, the brand lost ground. However, by focusing on customer research, Maximizer uncovered that SMBs found Salesforce too expensive and lacked sufficient support. They didn’t want complex and pricey solutions—they wanted to grow their business with confidence. This insight led to the “Grow With Confidence” campaign, which rejuvenated the brand, resulting in 20% month-over-month growth and over $1.6M added to the sales pipeline. Five years later, the campaign’s impact still resonates.

Read more about Maximizer’s success story here.

What to do next

  • Prioritize customer insights: Ground your strategy in continuous, thorough customer research to understand their needs, fears, motivations, pain points, and how they perceive your brand.
  • Adopt a customer-obsessed mindset: Shift from a product-led or sales-led approach to one that focuses on delighting customers at every touchpoint.
  • Map the customer journey: Identify and optimize key touchpoints throughout the customer’s journey, from awareness to advocacy.
  • Engage regularly with customers: Move beyond surveys and focus groups by maintaining ongoing, real-world conversations to capture evolving insights, refine your positioning, and craft messaging that resonates.
  • Document and act on insights: Ensure all customer interactions and insights are recorded in your CRM to inform decision-making and continuously refine your approach.

Applying Predictive and Causal Analytics for B2B Customer Experience Insights

Data is a powerful tool for understanding and enhancing customer experience. Here’s how predictive and causal analytics can elevate your CX strategy:

Predictive Analytics

Use historical data to forecast future customer behavior and trends:

  • Identify upsell opportunities: Predict which customers are likely to purchase additional products or services.
  • Spot potential churn risks: Recognize early signs of customers who may leave and take proactive steps to retain them.
  • Personalize marketing campaigns: Tailor your messaging and offers based on predicted customer behaviors.
  • Optimize pricing strategies: Use data to determine the best pricing models to maximize revenue and customer satisfaction.

Causal Analytics

Go beyond predictions to understand the underlying reasons behind customer behavior:

  • Reveal the impact of actions: Understand how pricing strategies, marketing campaigns, and other factors influence customer decisions.
  • Make data-driven decisions: Use insights from causal analytics to improve marketing effectiveness and enhance brand reputation.
  • Measure marketing time lag: Understand the delay between marketing efforts and their impact on customer behavior.

If you’re interested in exploring predictive and causal analytics, take a look at Proof Analytics.

Proof Analytics measures marketing effectiveness, marketing time lag, and brand reputation.
Proof Analytics is the only causal analytics platform that can accurately measure brand reputation.

What to do next

  • Use predictive analytics to anticipate customer needs and behaviors, address issues and seize opportunities before they arise.
  • Use causal analytics to understand the ‘why’ behind customer actions, enabling better decision-making.
  • Integrate analytics into your overall strategy to gain actionable insights that drive tangible results, improving customer experience across the board.
  • Try Proof Analytics by reaching out to Mark Stouse, CEO. He can show you how to effectively measure your GTM.

Integrating Generative AI

Generative AI—large language models (LLMs) and AI image generators—offers significant potential for enhancing customer experience in B2B tech. However, like any tool, AI can create a mess in the wrong hands.

Practical Applications

Generative AI can enhance various aspects of CX:

  • Personalized customer interactions: Analyze large volumes of customer data to deliver tailored recommendations, offers, and content that boost engagement.
  • Automate routine tasks: Use AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants to handle common customer inquiries, freeing up your team to focus on more complex issues.
  • Content creation: Use AI tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney to generate marketing materials, even without dedicated writers or designers. But be careful! (See “Beware the Pitfalls” below)
  • Sentiment analysis: Apply LLMs to analyze customer feedback and social media activity, helping you quickly identify strengths and areas for improvement in your CX.

Ways to use Generative AI in Marketing and B2B Customer Experience according to Gartner.

Beware the Pitfalls

While generative AI is powerful, it comes with challenges:

  • Quality matters: Remember, “Garbage In, Garbage Out.” The quality of AI outputs depends heavily on the data you feed into it. Always fact-check.
  • Don’t over-rely on AI: These tools should complement, not replace, human expertise. AI lacks the nuanced understanding and creativity that humans bring to content and creative design.
  • Maintain authenticity: Ensure that AI-generated content aligns with your brand voice and values. You still need human oversight to maintain quality and credibility.

Marketing one wrong: The Queensland Symphony Orchestra’s use of AI.
The Queensland Symphony Orchestra’s use of AI is a good example of “design in the wrong hands.”

What to do next

  • Explore generative AI: Use it for research, content creation, personalization, customer service automation, and predictive modeling to enhance CX.
  • Use AI to augment productivity: Incorporate AI tools to boost efficiency while keeping human expertise at the core of your strategy.
  • Be careful: AI makes mistakes. Avoid over-reliance and always align AI-assisted content with your brand’s voice and values to maintain trust and authenticity.

Redesigning Business Processes

To deliver a seamless customer experience, our internal processes must align with business goals that are customer-centric across the entire business. Otherwise, we waste resources hoping our solution will eventually hit—hope is not a strategy.

How to create raving fans.
Turning customers into raving fans starts at the operational roots of the business. (Credit: Alan Hale)

Get Aligned and Fine-Tune

Improving our business processes involves a few key steps:

  • Map customer journeys: Identify critical touchpoints pre-sale (path to purchase) and post-sale (path to adoption) and redesign processes to optimize these interactions, ensuring they meet customer expectations. Onboarding almost always requires constant tune-ups.
  • Invest in digital tools: Use automation tools to streamline repetitive tasks and improve efficiency, making your business more agile and responsive.
  • Align product development with customer feedback: Involve customers early in the development process, gather regular feedback, and be willing to pivot based on insights.
  • Avoid falling in love with your own product: Validate your ideas with market feedback before fully committing, ensuring they resonate with your target audience. The data doesn’t lie.
  • Empower employees: Give your team the authority to make decisions that prioritize customer satisfaction, even if it means bending the rules occasionally.

Here are some tools to explore:

Customer Journey Mapping Business Process Improvement Customer Relationship Management Marketing Automation Customer Feedback
Smaply: customer journey mapping and management. Kissflow: no-code, easy to use, great for SMBs. Salesforce: the Gold Standard CRM. Marketo Engage: marketing automation from Adobe. Typeform: create engaging and interactive surveys.
UXPressia: offers various templates and integrations. Appian: low-code with powerful automation capabilities. HubSpot: focused on inbound marketing and sales. Salesforce Marketing Cloud: formerly Pardot. SurveyMonkey: widely used with various question types and analysis tools.
Custellence: focuses on designing exceptional customer experiences. Pega: AI-powered for complex enterprise processes. Zoho CRM: cost-effective with a wide range of features. ActiveCampaign: focused on email marketing and automation. Qualtrics: enterprise-level for complex research and feedback.

"You've got to start with the customer experience." - Steve Jobs

What to do next

  • Focus on the customer’s best interests: That doesn’t mean you should implement every suggestion. Stay open-minded.
  • Regularly evaluate and refine processes: Continuously assess your business operations to eliminate inefficiencies and ensure they support your CX goals.
  • Align everyone around CX: Ensure that marketing, sales, customer service, and product teams all share a unified understanding of the customer journey, creating accountability for CX.
  • Continuously improve efficiency: Make adjustments based on data and insights from customer interactions, and always seek ways to enhance process efficiency across the organization.

The Role of Leadership

When it comes to CX, leaders have the most to gain and the most to lose because they set the tone and direction for the entire company.

Leadership’s Impact on CX:

  • Model customer-centric behaviors: Leaders must demonstrate a commitment to customer experience, showing by example how to prioritize customer needs in decision-making.
  • Communicate the importance of CX: Clearly articulate the value of customer experience to all levels of the organization, ensuring everyone understands its impact on the company’s success today and tomorrow.
  • Align company goals with CX: Make sure the company’s objectives, metrics, and incentives are directly tied to improving customer satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty.
  • Empower each team: Allow employees the autonomy to make decisions that benefit customers, fostering a culture where customer satisfaction is the top priority.
  • Encourage continuous improvement: Promote a mindset of ongoing learning and experimentation, where the team regularly evaluates and enhances the customer experience.

What Gets Measured Gets Managed

Measuring customer experience is essential to understanding what’s working and where improvements are needed:

  • Establish key metrics: Track essential CX metrics such as Net Promoter Score (NPS), Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) scores, customer effort scores, and churn rates.
  • Collect feedback regularly: Use surveys, interviews, and social media monitoring to gather customer insights and stay informed on their experiences.
  • Use data for continuous improvement: Regularly review metrics and customer feedback, identify areas for improvement, and implement changes to enhance CX.
  • Invest in the right tools: CRM, Market Automation, and Causal Analytics measure marketing effectiveness and help track and visualize customer interactions over time.

Case Study

BELLIN Treasury That Moves You logo

The transformation of BELLIN, a global enterprise treasury software brand, highlights the power of leadership in driving customer-centricity. Martin Bellin, the company’s founder, actively invested in customer research to understand their needs and align the organization around a shared customer-centric vision: elevating the role of corporate treasury.

By focusing on customer experience, BELLIN’s “Treasury That Moves You” campaign achieved significant success, contributing to its acquisition by Coupa. This commitment to customer-centricity not only differentiated BELLIN in the market but also elevated its brand reputation over several years.

Read more about BELLIN’s remarkable run here.

What to do next

  • Lead by example: As a leader, model the behaviors and outcomes you want to see in your organization, setting a clear tone for customer-centricity.
  • Measure CX effectively: Implement key metrics to track customer satisfaction and loyalty, and use this data to drive continuous improvements.
  • Empower your team: Encourage your employees to prioritize customer needs and make decisions that enhance the customer experience.
  • Hold each other accountable: Reinforce the importance of continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. Your future brand reputation depends on it!

Final Thoughts

A strong customer experience is the cornerstone of brand reputation. The investments we make in our customers, processes, and tools like generative AI and predictive analytics will not only enhance current relationships but also lay the groundwork for future success.

Keep in mind that marketing efforts often have a significant time lag. The brand reputation we build today will provide essential air cover for future sales, helping us weather market shifts and competitive pressures. Prioritizing CX not only improves day-to-day interactions, it gives us the chance to keep our brand top-of-mind when prospects are ready to buy tomorrow.

Take action now to fine-tune your CX strategy, align your teams, and measure your progress. The work you do today will pay dividends in the long run, positioning your company as a trusted source.

If you have any questions or want to discuss any of these ideas, reach out any time.

If you like this content, here are some more ways I can help:

  • Follow me on LinkedIn for bite-sized tips and freebies throughout the week.
  • Work with me. Schedule a call to see if we’re a fit. No obligation. No pressure.
  • Subscribe for ongoing insights and strategies (enter your email below).


PS: This article is also published and discussed on LinkedIn. Join the conversation!


Progress NOT Perfection: B2B Tech Marketing Strategies for Growth

Learn how to overcome perfectionism in B2B tech marketing. Discover strategies to embrace progress, experimentation, and sustainable growth.
August 2, 2024
5 min read


B2B tech companies tend to overthink their marketing, delaying action out of fear of imperfection. This stems from ego and insecurity (both tied at the hip). By focusing on action and experimentation, we can drive innovation and adaptability without needing to be perfect from the start. This approach balances short-term results with long-term goals, something many B2B tech companies lack.

Key Takeaways

  • Improve marketing strategies continuously by learning from your mistakes.
  • Experiment with different approaches and use data to find out what works best.
  • Focus on quick wins while also investing in your brand reputation and customer relationships for long-term growth.

B2B tech companies, especially those led by engineers, often aim for perfection in everything they do. This mindset can hurt their marketing. Product launches get delayed and opportunities get missed​.

A recent MDPI study shows how a perfectionist mindset can hinder progress. While the study focuses on consumer intentions to purchase imperfect products, there are similarities with B2B tech products.

  • Perfectionists often see things in black and white, causing dissatisfaction with any perceived flaws and leading to decision-making paralysis.
  • The pressure to meet high expectations is especially damaging and can lead to increased anxiety, depression, and stress.
  • The study links perfectionism to emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and reduced professional effectiveness.

Say the average hall-of-famer hits .310. That means they strike out 69% of the time. Marketing is no different. Not every campaign will be a home run. There are many unknowns and many factors that rarely align the same way twice.

Forget trying to create flawless campaigns. Focus instead on deeply understanding your best customers and making solutions that fit their needs.

The Problem with Perfectionism

Perfectionism often comes from ego. Dig a little deeper and insecurity will rear its head.

In tech companies, especially those led by engineers, people sometimes think perfect execution equals success. This belief can create an authoritarian leadership style focused on perfection no matter what. But perfectionism can actually hold us back.

Perfectionists care more about looking perfect than doing excellent work. CEOs often inflate performance and progress for investors and board members, adding to the pressure on marketing. This focus on image leads to endless changes, delays, and mixed messages. When the goal is perfection, it’s easy to never finish a project because you can always make it better. That hurts productivity and efficiency.

Just like with innovation, we need to focus on continuous improvement with marketing, not perfect execution. When we accept that nothing will ever be perfect, we can move forward and make real progress. This mindset creates a better work environment and encourages innovation and adaptability.

Perfectionism doesn’t improve quality, production, or efficiency. It disrupts and destroys them. Perfectionism is a fancy cover for ego and procrastination.
Brian Kight, Daily Discipline

Aim for Excellence, Not Perfection

Be excellent at continuous improvement rather than flawless execution because perfectionism undermines progress and innovation.

Yes, of course, high-quality marketing materials build brand reputation and trust. However, we shouldn’t let the pursuit of perfection hinder progress.

Mistakes are part of the path to success. Launch campaigns, gather intel, and adapt based on your findings. Treat mistakes as opportunities to learn.

Experiment, take risks, and find alternative creative solutions. If you’re going to fail, fail forward.

If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.
Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn

Marketing Also Needs to Experiment

Just like innovation, marketing needs experimentation. But unlike tech, marketing often lacks the freedom to experiment due to pressure for immediate results.

We need to afford marketing a culture of safety like we do for innovation. By testing different strategies and tactics, gathering insight, and iterating, we can create marketing solutions that produce consistent results.

For example, running A/B tests, trying new channels, and being open to change based on what our audience tells us gives us a better chance at achieving future success.

Experimentation leads to better marketing and builds a more adaptable team. It reduces the fear of failure and encourages creativity.

Real artists ship.
Steve Jobs

The Pressure for Immediate Results

B2B tech companies are pressured to achieve results quickly. Marketing is often solely responsible for creating campaigns to generate fast leads.

Considering that B2B tech CMOs have the shortest leash at the CxO table, this might not be the best approach.

Focusing only on immediate results leads to a short-sighted view of marketing. Instead of understanding customers and building brand reputation, companies lean into short-term gains. But this rarely resonates with the audience or builds credibility.

B2B tech companies need to balance quick wins with long-term growth by balancing marketing and innovation. Set realistic expectations together with the CxO and invest in brand reputation.

How to Implement a Progress-Oriented Approach in B2B Tech Marketing

  1. Change the Mindset. Value progress over perfection and encourage open communication. LinkedIn and Microsoft products are still far from perfect, but they are powerhouse brands today because they are not perfectionists.
  2. Set Realistic Expectations. Align marketing goals with achievable business goals and break down large projects into smaller tasks to create momentum.
  3. Try Different Things. Test and iterate to see what works best. LinkedIn, for instance, constantly experiments with new features and algorithms to optimize user engagement.
  4. Create a Culture of Safety. Encourage your team to share insights and learnings without fear of failure. Microsoft’s “Fail Fast, Learn Fast” philosophy embraces mistakes to drive innovation and growth.
  5. Track and Analyze the Data. What’s working? What’s not? Why? Do you have the right data to track the right metrics? Use this data to continuously improve, refine, and adapt.
  6. Celebrate Progress. Recognize and celebrate the small wins along the way. This will help maintain team morale and reinforce the importance of progress over perfection.

Final Thoughts

B2B tech companies can overcome the obstacles of perfectionism by focusing on continuous improvement rather than perfect execution.

By testing different approaches through experimentation, we can quickly learn what works and pivot as needed, ensuring that our marketing strategies are both innovative and effective.

Take the time to do it right, yes, but don’t get stuck in making it perfect.

Keep testing. Keep iterating.

If you like this content, here are some more ways I can help:

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