
Achim’s Razor

Positioning, Messaging, and Branding for B2B tech companies. Keep it simple. Keep it real.

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The Shortest Leash: Why CMOs Struggle in B2B Tech and How to Fix It

Discover why CMOs in B2B tech have the shortest tenure and learn actionable strategies to support your marketing leader and drive sustainable growth.
July 26, 2024
5 min read


B2B tech CMOs have the shortest tenure among CxOs. Unrealistic expectations, overpromising, and marketing lag have a lot to do with it. Tech companies can help their marketing leaders succeed by creating a safe, transparent environment. Set realistic goals, invest in marketing and innovation, and encourage honest communication.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand that marketing results don’t happen overnight and be patient with your marketing team as they work to grow the business.
  • Allow your marketing team to try new things. Encourage them to experiment and innovate, just as you would with your engineering and R&D teams.
  • Be honest and transparent with your marketing team so everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals. If you overpromise, be willing to reprioritize.
  • Invest in marketing just as you would in innovation, because marketing builds awareness, confidence, and trust in your product or service.

B2B tech is a high stakes game and the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) has the shortest leash.

With an average tenure of about 26 months, CMOs are pressured to deliver immediate results in a landscape where deals and market shifts are anything but immediate. It makes zero sense.

Understanding these challenges is key to fostering a culture that supports long-term success.

The Reality of Marketing Lag

Marketing efforts in B2B tech have a significant time lag. Closed-won deals often take longer than a CMO’s average tenure, making it almost impossible to meet the instant gratification demands of the CxO. This highlights the challenges faced by CMOs in B2B technology companies and why maintaining realistic expectations around time lag are at the core of longer tenures.

As marketing leaders, we need to do a better job of educating (and reminding) the CxO about the time delay between marketing action and revenue recognition or business outcome. Unlike in the B2C world, where a purchase often takes place within minutes of an ad click, B2B customer journeys are notoriously long and complex.

B2B Marketing time lag
Source: Dreamdata and Dale Harrison

The Pressure Cooker

B2B tech is often ego-driven, with CEOs making overly inflated promises to boards and investors. This pressure trickles down to sales and marketing, forcing them to suck water from rocks. For instance, 95% of business clients are not in the market for many goods and services at any one time, indicating a much longer sales cycle that conflicts with short-term expectations. Understanding why CMOs have short tenures in B2B tech is critical to addressing these issues.

CEO’s get trapped in their own web because they overpromise results to their board members and investors. This puts tremendous pressure on Sales and Marketing to make good on these inflated promises.

Angeley Mullins, CCO, Resourcify

Source: LinkedIn B2B Institute and Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science.

Inflated Promises

In B2B tech, the mantra often is “Failure is not an option.” But this is unrealistic. Success is a string of failures. Without failure, there is no success. This mindset needs to extend to Sales and Marketing, where experimentation and learning from failures can fuel innovative and creative ideas.

A culture of safety doesn’t exist for Sales and Marketing. There are no heroes come forecast time.

Eric Quanstrom, 5X CMO | 4X Inc 5000 | 3X Exits

Engineering and R&D enjoy a culture of safety, where failures are seen as steps toward success. Sales and Marketing should be afforded the same culture of safety to innovate and grow. This disconnect is reflected in the fact as much as 60% of in-market deals end in no-decision, underscoring the need for a realistic approach that mitigates buyer risk.

40% to 60% of the average salesperson’s pipeline is lost to “no decision.”

Matt Dixon, “The JOLT Effect”

The Black Box Nature of B2B Tech Sales & Marketing

For good reason, the C-suite is often suspicious of what’s happening inside the marketing and sales “black box,” fearing that too much is being “cooked up” to meet (ironically) their inflated promises and unrealistic expectations.

This suspicion, combined with the pressure to deliver on unrealistic promises, leads to “cooking the books” (aka covering one’s ass). It also fosters dishonesty and a culture of fear. Additionally, 75% of B2B buyers prefer a rep-free sales experience, highlighting the shift towards more transparent and customer-centric approaches.

Gartner 75% B2B buyers prefer rep-free sales experience

A Personal Story

I’ve experienced this dynamic firsthand and I’ll be the first to admit I was partially responsible (you don’t know what you don’t know).

On two occasions, I was let go after 24-26 months because I couldn’t deliver the immediate results the CEO was expecting. What’s funny is that 3-6 months later, the go-to-market (GTM) efforts my team initiated months prior began to materialize.

The company then enjoyed success from the lag and making boatloads of money, only to face a downturn months later when they failed to sustain the momentum. They ended up getting caught with their pants down scrambling to find another marketing leader to repeat the cycle.

Can you say, “Groundhog Day?”

How to Kill B2B Marketing Momentum

Marketing and Innovation

B2C companies invest heavily in both Marketing and Innovation, understanding that both are equally important for success.

In contrast, B2B companies, led by engineering and sales, often invest only in innovation, believing their product is so cool that everyone will want it. This mindset neglects the importance of marketing in driving awareness, confidence, and trust, particularly when it comes to brand reputation.

Read more about Peter Drucker’s position on marketing and innovation and the converging B2B and B2C marketing trends.

Why B2C is more marketing mature than B2B


1. Level Up and Stop the Marketing Malpractice

We need to get back to basics. We need to stop the survey slapping and marketing malpractice in b2b.
Alan Hale, Consight Marketing Group

2. Honesty and Transparency

  • Stop “cooking the books” to cover your ass. Speak the truth about what marketing can and cannot achieve in the short term.
  • Call out the issues honestly. The elephant in the room is that B2B is behind the times, and honesty is the first step to progress.
  • Take a page from B2C and start treating marketing as a business function, as Peter Drucker wrote about. This means investing in market research, customer research, and brand reputation.
  • Recognize that marketing is not a “black box” but a critical business function, just like innovation.

3. Be a Change Agent

B2B tech companies can become agents of change. But they must be willing to (as Seth Godin says) create a ruckus by creating a culture based on innovation AND marketing.

  • Educate and Advocate: Share insights and educate your C-suite about the realities of marketing lag and the importance of consistent investment in marketing and brand building over time.
  • Set Realistic Expectations: Align on achievable goals and timelines with your leadership team, focusing on long-term growth rather than solely on short-term wins.
  • Foster Collaboration: Work closely with sales and product teams to create a unified strategy that leverages each department’s strengths.
  • Demonstrate Value: Regularly communicate the impact of your marketing efforts through data-driven reports and case studies, highlighting successes and learnings.
  • Build Trust: Establish yourself as a reliable and transparent leader who is committed to the company’s long-term success.
  • Over Communicate: Just like reminding our kids to clean their rooms, you will need to beat your drum often. Rinse and repeat over and over again. It will take time for it to sink in.
  • Call Out The Bullshit: The only reason why the status quo perpetuates the B2B marketing stereotype is because we allow it. If it continues, it’s our own fault.

It’s not your fault that you’re fucked up. But it is your fault if you stay fucked up.

Jen Sincero, “You Are A Badass”

Final Thoughts

It’s time for a reality check. The short leash on marketing leadership in B2B tech is stupid and we B2B marketers have only ourselves to blame.

By understanding and addressing the inherent lag in marketing, setting realistic expectations, and treating marketing as a strategic business function, tech companies can better support their marketing leaders and drive scalable growth.

But it starts with Marketing leading the way. When we become change agents, we give ourselves permission to build confidence and earn respect, ensuring our efforts are recognized and valued.

This approach is absolutely critical for improving CMO retention in B2B technology.

Strong marketing leadership cannot be attained in a revolving door. Neither can long-term growth.

If you like this content, here are some more ways I can help:

  • Follow me on LinkedIn for bite-sized tips and freebies throughout the week.
  • Work with me. Schedule a call to see if we’re a fit. No obligation. No pressure.
  • Subscribe for ongoing insights and strategies (enter your email below).


PS: This article is also published and discussed on LinkedIn. Join the conversation!


How Deep Customer Insights & Brand Building Drive B2B Tech Success

Understanding customers and building brand equity are key to B2B tech success. Learn strategies to improve engagement, conversions, and long-term growth.
July 19, 2024
5 min read


B2B tech companies often waste resources by trying to appeal to everyone and chasing immediate results. Instead, prioritize deep customer insights and brand equity. This approach boosts engagement, conversions, and long-term growth.

Key Takeaways

  • Deep Customer Insights: Conduct interviews with your best-fit customers to understand their needs and challenges.
  • Brand Equity: Invest in building a strong, lasting brand to create trust and credibility.
  • Targeted Marketing: Focus on specific, effective marketing tactics instead of trying to do everything.
  • Sustainable Growth: Prioritize long-term strategies over quick wins to achieve lasting success.

In B2B tech marketing, it’s easy to spread ourselves too thin. We pour all our energy into chasing immediate results and end up missing opportunities staring us in the face.

We live in a society addicted to instant gratification. Social media is a good example. We’ve become jaded to instant feedback and that fuels our desire for quick wins.

However, this often leads to waste. Instead, we should focus on building lasting relationships and brand equity by deeply understanding our customers’ needs and challenges.

Casting a wide net may seem a like good idea, but it only creates more problems. Diving deeper into insights helps us hone in on our best-fit customers and find more of them today and tomorrow.

Why Targeting Everyone is a Mistake

Many B2B tech companies try to appeal to everyone, believing a broader reach guarantees success. This is wrong.

Some of my clients struggled because they didn't understand their target audience. They spread their marketing efforts across multiple sectors without focus, leading to ineffective campaigns. One SaaS client tried to target five different industries simultaneously, resulting in generic content that didn't work.

Many B2B tech companies try to appeal to everyone, believing a broader reach guarantees success. This is wrong.

Some of my clients struggled because they didn’t understand their target audience. They spread their marketing efforts across multiple sectors without focus, leading to ineffective campaigns. One SaaS client tried to target five different industries simultaneously, resulting in generic content that didn’t work.

61% B2B marketers struggle to generate leads.

Further Reading: Niche Marketing for B2B Tech: Unlock Faster Growth and Higher ROI.

Haste Makes Waste

In sales-led organizations, there’s a tendency to throw everything into the mix, including the kitchen sink. Driven by the fear of missing out (FOMO), this scattergun approach leads to unnecessary anxiety and wastes resources on strategies that don’t align with our goals.

When we rush things, we often end up wasting resources on strategies that don't align with our core objectives.

Driving depth means sticking to a strategy and choosing the most effective marketing tactics, not trying to do everything at once. When we narrow our focus and dedicate our efforts to understanding and serving a specific niche, we create relevant and meaningful marketing campaigns and build a stronger brand reputation.

Customer Interviews Drive Better Marketing

To market well, we must understand our customers. Interviewing our best-fit customers is the simplest and most effective way to do this. Direct conversations directly reveal what they really need, what frustrates them, what motivates them, and how they talk about problems and solutions. Without this knowledge, marketing is mere guesswork.

Many tech companies think they know their customers, but they’re often wrong. Interviewing ten of our best-fit customers can unveil patterns and information we wouldn’t find otherwise. They tell us what really matters to them, how they decide, and what influences their purchases.

I once had a client who, after interviewing their top customers, realized their marketing was off. They had focused too much on product features instead of the value their customers cared about. Adjusting their messaging based on what they learned led to significant increases in new business and brand reputation.

Further Reading: Customer Research: The Foundation of B2B Tech Marketing Success.

Brand Equity: The Overlooked Asset

B2B tech companies, particularly SaaS, focus too heavily on lead generation, often at the expense of building a strong, lasting brand. This short-term thinking can undermine future success.

Building brand equity is the added value our brand brings to our solutions tomorrow. Like financial equity, it doesn’t happen overnight.

A strong brand helps future buyers choose us over the alternatives, including the status quo. Every interaction with our brand influences a buyer’s perception of our company and our solutions.

Ignoring brand building makes life harder for the sales team. Without brand recognition and reputation, they will continue to struggle to close deals, creating more pressure on marketing to generate leads.

Reputable brands build credibility and trust, providing the air cover to convert leads into customers and customers into fans.

Brand building is like investing in your finances. Think long-term by consistently communicating your brand’s unique value and benefits across every customer touchpoint.

Source: State of Sales, Salesforce, September 2020

Companies that invest in brand equity enjoy higher customer loyalty, better customer retention, and increased word-of-mouth referrals. It’s kind of like compound interest.

Final Thoughts

B2B tech marketing is fast-paced, and it’s easy to get distracted with quick results. But this often wastes resources. Instead, focus on driving depth instead of width.

Interview your customers, build your brand, and choose effective customer insights. This will provide the air cover you will need down the road.

Every day, you can either invest in your brand or chase leads. Understand your audience today so you can reap the rewards tomorrow.

If you like this content, here are some more ways I can help:

  • Follow me on LinkedIn for bite-sized tips and freebies throughout the week.
  • Work with me. Schedule a call to see if we’re a fit. No obligation. No pressure.
  • Subscribe for ongoing insights and strategies (enter your email below).


PS: This article is also published and discussed on LinkedIn. Join the conversation!


Niche Marketing for B2B Tech: Unlock Faster Growth and Higher ROI

Discover how niche marketing can propel your B2B tech company to more ARR. Learn how to focus on a specific audience and dominate your market.
July 12, 2024
5 min read


B2B tech companies often fall into the trap of broad targeting, trying to be everything to everyone. This dilutes their message and stunts growth. Niche marketing, on the other hand, is like being a big fish in a small pond. It focuses on a specific audience with unique needs, leading to faster growth, stronger brand loyalty, and higher ROI. By tailoring your solution, marketing, and sales pitch to a niche, you can establish dominance and expand from a position of strength.

Key Takeaways

  1. Avoid the Trap of Broad Targeting: Trying to appeal to everyone makes you irrelevant. Focus on a specific niche that values your unique offering.
  2. Craft a Niche Marketing Plan: Align your product development, marketing, and sales strategies with the specific needs of your target audience.
  3. Build Relationships: Focus on creating long-term relationships with customers in your niche. They'll become your biggest advocates and help you grow.
  4. Start Narrow, Expand Later: Don't be afraid to start with a small niche. Once you've established yourself, you can strategically expand into adjacent markets.

The Problem with Broad Targeting

Is your B2B tech company pouring resources into marketing programs and sales outreach, only to see minimal returns? Do you feel like your message is getting drowned out by the competition?

Over the past 30 years in B2B tech, I’ve often seen many companies overspend on marketing and sales, yielding minimal results. Their messages get lost because they cast too wide a net, trying to appeal to everyone. It almost always results in weak or copycat marketing, high customer acquisition costs, and stagnant growth.

The Solution: Niche Marketing

Niche marketing allows us to be the big fish in a small pond. It helps us stay focused on the audience most likely to care about our unique value. It helps us understand their specific needs and tailor our marketing accordingly.

We not only stand out and get noticed, we also create fans, grow faster, and build brand equity.

TIP: Word-of-mouth is much more prevalent in a single market niche.

The Trap of Broad Targeting

A fast-growing cybersecurity software company (who shall not be named) tried to sell to every business: small, medium, enterprise, healthcare, education, retail, etc.

“We have no competition and we can sell to anyone,” proclaimed the CEO, with feeling!

They ended up spending too much on sales-led outreach and marketing trying to reach everyone.

The result?

Their messaging got lost in the sea of “me-too marketing” and only produced a handful of leads. The few leads who did find them didn’t understand their unique value proposition or how they could help. Sales cycles were longer, conversion rates lower, and customer acquisition costs (CAC) higher.

This is the trap of broad targeting: Trying to be everything to everyone makes us irrelevant.

Tom Peters quote on being distinct.

Why Broad Targeting Fails

  • Dilutes our brand: Our value proposition becomes generic and doesn’t address specific pain points.
  • Wastes resources and budget: We spend time and money reaching uninterested people.
  • Prolongs sales cycles: Potential customers need more convincing because they’re unsure if our solution fits them.
  • Increases costs: Acquiring each customer becomes more expensive due to low conversion rates.

This doesn’t mean we should only ever serve one type of customer. But when starting out, we need to stay focused on the smallest market that cares the most about our unique offering and build up from there.

The cybersecurity company eventually realized their mistake. They narrowed their focus to financial SMBs. They tailored their message to this sector’s cybersecurity challenges and partnered with industry associations.

The results were transformative: shorter sales cycles, higher conversion rates, lower customer acquisition costs. They become the go-to provider for financial firms, establishing a strong market foothold and grew rapidly.

April Dunford quote on focusing on a market niche
Check out Chapter 8 in April’s book, Obviously Awesome

How To Market To Your Niche

Niche marketing is ongoing. Keep listening to your best-fit customers, adapting to their needs, and continuously refining your solution to stay ahead of the curve.

Following these steps will help you establish your brand reputation as a market leader:

Product Marketing Sales
Solve Unique Problems: Conduct in-depth research to understand the workflows, challenges, and desired outcomes of your best-fit customers. Speak Their Language: Use the industry terminology your niche understands and that highlights the specific benefits your solution offers. Niche Expertise: Demonstrate your POV of the market, the alternatives and their shortcomings, what the perfect world looks like, and why you believe you have the right solution.
Differentiate: Clearly articulate how your solution is different by highlighting its unique value. Targeted Content: Create helpful and useful content that illustrates the interests and challenges of your best-fit customers in their environment. Personalized Outreach: Tailor your sales pitch to align your insight and expertise with your audience's specific needs before launching into your demo.
Gather Feedback: Engage with potential customers early and often to ensure you’re building something they actually want and will pay for. Build Community: Share your expertise and answer questions in relevant forums, industry groups, and social media communities. Relationship Building: Focus on building your brand reputation so that future buyers seek you out when they are ready to buy.

Final Thoughts

Being a big fish in a small pond can be the best way to establish authority, build brand reputation, and scale a business.

Niche marketing sharpens our focus by forcing us to understand and cater to a specific audience instead of trying to “boil the ocean.”

Staying focused on a niche affords us with:

  • Faster growth: Less competition helps us gain traction quickly.
  • Stronger brand loyalty: Solving unique problems builds lasting trust.
  • Higher ROI: Targeted efforts reduce costs and boost profits.

And as we dominate our niche, we can expand into new markets from a position of strength.

If you’re a B2B tech company tired of blending in, look to niche marketing as your path to success. Embrace your unique value and cater to a specific audience. The rewards are worth it.

Ready to uncover your hidden potential? Let’s discuss how niche marketing can transform your B2B tech business. Schedule a free consultation today.

If you like this content, here are some more ways I can help:

  • Follow me on LinkedIn for bite-sized tips and freebies throughout the week.
  • Work with me. Schedule a call to see if we’re a fit. No obligation. No pressure.
  • Subscribe for ongoing insights and strategies (enter your email below).


PS: This article is also published and discussed on LinkedIn. Join the conversation!


3 Ways to Gain Actionable Brand Insights for B2B Tech Growth

Learn how to leverage customer research, market analysis, and data to unlock your B2B tech brand’s potential. Get practical tips and free templates.
July 5, 2024
5 min read


Building a strong B2B tech brand boils down to understanding our customers and market niche, then using that insight to create actionable marketing strategies before jumping into creative tactics.

Only when we stay focused on building genuine relationships and delivering real value, are we able to elevate our brand reputation.

Key Takeaways

  1. Know Your Customers: Dive deep into their motivations, pain points, and aspirations through qualitative research.
  2. Own Your Niche: Don’t try to be everything to everyone. Find your sweet spot in the market and become that go-to expert.
  3. Let Data Be Your Guide: Use data to better understand your customers’ behaviors, personalize their experiences, and optimize your brand’s impact.

Keep It Simple and Real: Stay focused on practical insights that build genuine connections with your customers.

With over 100,000 software solutions in-market, it’s tough to stand out in B2B tech. Having the best product or the newest tech isn’t enough—we need to maintain meaningful connections with our customers over the long haul.

What I see happen all too often is short-term thinking gets in the way of marketing effectiveness. We jump straight into creative tactics hoping that all we need is better looking marketing materials to win. That couldn’t be further from the truth.

All great marketing stems from great insight. It’s about knowing what motivates our best-fit customers, the viability of our market niche, and the predictive and causal data that drives our decisions.

1. Customer Research

The better we know our customers, the better prepared we are when they are ready to buy.

Focus on best-fit customers. Why? Because they love us for a reason and we need to know why. What motivates them? What is their decision-making process? What is their buying cycle?

To get started, use the “Best-Fit Customer Canvas” on page 4 of my free and ungated One-Page Plans. It will help you:

  • Shortlist your existing customers.
  • Define who on your shortlist is the best-fit.
  • Identify the reasons to believe why they love you and why you love them.
  • Identify what market niche your best-fit customers play in.
  • Unearth common acquisition and retention patterns so you can message accordingly.

Understand Your Customer’s Motivations

Once we know who loves us the most, it’s time to understand what makes them tick. This is where qualitative research comes in.

Forget surveys. Have live conversations with your customers instead. Ask open-ended questions that encourage them to share their thoughts and feelings freely with zero pressure.

Here are some tools to help you:

  • Video Calls: Use platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or Google Meet to create a personal connection.
  • Recording: Use a tool like Otter to transcribe your interviews for easy reference.
  • Social Listening: Monitor platforms like LinkedIn and X (formerly Twitter) to see what your customers are saying about your industry and your competitors.
  • Case Studies: You can learn about three of them here: B2B Tech Success Stories or How to Write B2B Case Studies.

TIP: People are more likely to open up when they feel comfortable. So, create a relaxed and informal atmosphere for your interviews. Be a good listener and show genuine interest in what they have to say.

Alfred Bendel quote about listening

Use Insight to Improve Your Marketing

Translate your research into targeted marketing strategies:

  • Messaging: Craft messages that address your customers’ specific pain points, motivations, and aspirations.
  • Content: Create content that speaks directly to their interests and challenges. One of the best ways to do this is by creating solution-oriented content that depicts your customers’ working environment.
  • Product Development: Use customer feedback to improve your solution.
  • Sales: Equip your sales team with insights that help them build stronger relationships and close more deals.

Keep it Simple: Don’t overcomplicate things. Use customer insights to create marketing that resonates with your target audience on a jobs-to-be-done level.

2. Market Research

Insight from research helps us understand our business’s place in the market and identifies opportunities to stand out. By analyzing our specific niche and what competitors offer, we can position our brand better and make smart decisions.

This is about finding our sweet spot and sizing up our competition, not boiling the ocean. Think of it like this: Would you rather be a small fish in a big pond, or a big fish in a small pond?

“When you try to be everything to everyone, you accomplish being nothing to anyone.”

Bonnie Gillespie, Actor, Casting Director, Author

Find Your Niche

A niche is where our solution perfectly matches a specific need that others aren’t fully meeting. To find this, we need to understand our strengths and what’s missing in the market.

  • What’s unique about what you offer?
  • Who would benefit most from this?
  • What problems do you solve that others don’t?

Use the “Positioning Canvas” on page 3 of my One-Page Plans (it’s free and ungated). This will help you identify:

  • What you do better than anyone else
  • The specific problems you solve for your ideal customers
  • Why they should believe you
  • The alternatives they use

Study The Competitive Alternatives

Knowing your competition is as important as knowing your niche. A good analysis helps you understand the competitive landscape and how to differentiate.

  • See who is competing with you online using tools like Semrush and Ahrefs. Even Page 1 search results can provide key insights.
  • Look at their products, services, and prices. What’s missing? What could be better?
  • Study their content and how they engage customers. BuzzSumo can help you see what works for them.
  • Match your strengths and weaknesses with their using a SWOT analysis. This helps you find chances to do something different or better.

SUPER IMPORTANT! Don’t forget the “alternatives.” More often than not, the status quo or the “fear of messing up” is your biggest competition. This is why so many potential deals end in “no decision.”

Use Insight to Position Your Brand

Once you understand your niche and competition, use this to position your brand. Highlight your strengths and the specific needs you meet that others don’t.

Here’s how:

  • Use your newfound customer insights to wordsmith your messages. Your customers will tell you what to say and how to say it.
  • Find ways to be different by looking for things others aren’t doing and offer a solution.
  • Refine your value, making sure it’s clear, appealing, and speaks directly to your best-fit customers.

Helpful Tools:

Use Your Insights:

  • Keep refining your messaging to highlight what makes your solution unique.
  • Create targeted content that addresses your best-fit customers’ specific challenges.
  • Double down on what you’ve learned to continuously improve your solution, pricing, onboarding, support, etc.

3. Data

Data helps us tell our brand’s story by helping us understand our customers’ behavior, preferences, motivations, and interactions with our brand.

Looking in the right places helps us build stronger relationships.

Predictive vs. Causal Analytics

  • Predictive Analytics uses historical data to predict customer behavior and trends, helping us identify potential customer churn and effective marketing campaigns.
  • Causal Analytics helps us understand the reasons behind customer behavior, allowing us to make data-driven decisions to improve our marketing strategies and ultimately our brand reputation.

For example, predictive analytics might tell you that customers who visit your website multiple times are more likely to convert. But causal analytics can help you understand why they’re visiting multiple times. Are they seeking more information? Comparing your products to competitors? This deeper understanding allows you to tailor your website and marketing messages accordingly.

The Brand-Building Power of Data

Data-driven insights can transform our brand-building efforts in numerous ways:

  • Personalized Experiences: Understand your customers’ preferences and tailor your marketing messages and offers to their individual needs.
  • Customer Journey Optimization: Identify the touchpoints where customers are most likely to engage with your brand and optimize those interactions.
  • Brand Sentiment Analysis: Track how customers feel about your brand and identify areas where you can improve your reputation.

Expert Insights

I am not a data scientist nor an expert in analytics. For a deeper dive into data and analytics, I highly recommend checking out the work of these two experts:

TIP: Data is a tool, not a magic bullet. The real magic happens when you combine data-driven insights with your creativity and expertise to create marketing that resonates with your audience. It’s about building relationships that last, not chasing leads.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Customer Research Mistakes

  • Assuming you know your customers without talking to them.
  • Using outdated information about your customers.
  • Treating all customers the same.

Market Research Mistakes

  • Ignoring smaller, niche markets.
  • Getting stuck in research and not taking action.
  • Copying your competitors instead of being unique.

Data Analysis Mistakes

  • Focusing on surface-level numbers that don't show real growth.
  • Confusing correlation with causation.
  • Not sharing data insights with your team.

Final Thoughts

Building a successful B2B tech brand requires understanding your customers, market, and data. Use this knowledge to connect with your target audience, build relationships, and achieve long-term success.

Ready to take the next step? Grab my 10 One-Page Plans to help you define your ideal customer, clarify your positioning, and create a roadmap for your brand.

TIP: Brand reputation is defined by every interaction your customers have with your solution. Focus on building genuine relationships and using data to deliver real value.

If you like this content, here are some more ways I can help:

  • Follow me on LinkedIn for bite-sized tips and freebies throughout the week.
  • Work with me. Schedule a call to see if we’re a fit. No obligation. No pressure.
  • Subscribe for ongoing insights and strategies (enter your email below).


PS: This article is also published and discussed on LinkedIn. Join the conversation!


How to Write Case Studies That Help Win B2B Tech Sales

Learn how to write compelling B2B case studies that attract high-value clients and build your tech brand's credibility. Step-by-step guide for B2B tech startups.
June 28, 2024
5 min read


Case studies can help B2B tech companies overcome credibility challenges, attract future customers, and increase brand reputation. This article explains how to plan, create, and promote your customer success stories.

Key Takeaways

  • Case studies help build credibility and can attract best-fit customers.
  • Pick customers who fit your target audience and have seen great results.
  • Tell a simple story: the customer’s problem, your solution, and the impact delivered.
  • Use case studies at every opportunity but don’t gate them.

Case studies are an effective way for B2B tech companies, especially startups, to get closer to their customers, gain credibility with future buyers, and help build brand equity.

Oftentimes, we struggle to win over hesitant buyers who doubt our ability to deliver. Case studies are an excellent answer. They’re real-world stories of how our solution resolved challenges and delivered results. They build trust, create tangible proof, and attract more of the same customers we’re putting in the spotlight.

Integrating case studies into our marketing strategy doesn’t just help win business, it reinforces our positioning and elevates our brand reputation.

The Case Study Creation Process

Creating effective case studies doesn’t happen by accident. It takes insight, strategy, and execution that focuses on showcasing how our customers succeed using our solution.

1. Plan Your Work

Objectives Best-Fit Customers Permission & Timeline
What do you want this case study to achieve? Refer back to your ideal customer profile. A well-crafted email is sufficient to obtain written permission.
Do you want to highlight a specific solution, target a particular industry, or address a common pain point? Focus on your “best-fit” customers. They love you for a reason and you want more of them. Set a realistic timeline for interviews, data collection, drafting, review, and publication.
Clarity is essential. It will help guide your entire process. Select a customer who has achieved significant results with your solution.
Enthusiastic customers who are willing to be featured will make the process smoother.

TIP: You don’t need to wait until you have “enough” customers. One good success story integrated into your marketing strategy is all it takes to begin attracting more customers.

Need help developing buyer personas? Check out:

2. Get the Facts

Conduct In-Depth Customer Interviews Gather Relevant Metrics and Supporting Data Collect Testimonials and Quotes
Prepare a list of open-ended questions that dig into the client’s challenges, decision-making process, implementation experience, and results. Collect facts and stats that demonstrate the impact of your solution (e.g., increased revenue, reduced costs, improved efficiency, etc). Direct quotes add authenticity and credibility.
Ask about specific metrics, quantifiable outcomes, and the impact on their business. Request any relevant reports, charts, or graphs that visually illustrate the client’s success. Ask for permission to use their name, title, logo, etc.
Don’t forget to ask for testimonials and quotes that you can use directly in the case study.

TIP: Always ask. Most customers are happy to share their success stories. If a company doesn't have case studies, they probably haven't asked.

Need help interviewing customers? I highly recommend Ryan Paul Gibson’s Customer Interviews That Don’t Suck.

3. Write and Design Your Story

Be Clear and Concise Focus on Storytelling Add Visuals Get Approval
Use a consistent format: 1. Problem
2. Solution
3. Results
4. Impact
Make your customer the hero of the story. Break up text with relevant charts, graphs, screenshots, or photos. Share the draft with your customer for review and feedback.
Clearly articulate the customer’s challenge, your proposed solution, and the positive outcomes achieved. Show how your solution helped them overcome challenges and achieve their goals. Visuals simplify complex concepts and make the case study more engaging. Ensure accuracy and get final approval before publishing.
Ensure the personality and tone of your case study aligns with your positioning, messaging, and branding.

TIP: Every successful project, install, or adopted product is an opportunity to create a customer success story.

Here are three success stories to help get you started. If you need help, reach out.

4. Help Your Case Studies Get Noticed

Your case studies are valuable assets, but they won’t work if they’re hidden or buried deep in your website.

Here’s how to integrate case studies strategically into your marketing mix:

Integrate Into Your Website Share on Social Media Email Campaigns
Dedicated Case Studies Page: If you have more than three, consider creating a central resources section where visitors can easily find and browse all your case studies. Create social media posts that highlight key takeaways, facts, figures, impact, etc. Add summaries or snippets to your email campaigns and newsletters.
Product or Service Pages: Feature relevant case studies on the pages that describe the specific solutions showcased in the case studies. This provides social proof and reinforces your unique value. Use visuals and calls to action – e.g., “Learn how [client name] achieved [result] with our [product/service].” Include relevant case studies in emails to guide buyers through their buying stages.
Homepage: Showcase your Top 3 case studies to capture attention and demonstrate social proof. Tag customers in your posts (with their permission) to increase visibility and potentially get them to share your content with their network.
Blog Posts: Turn case studies into blog posts to demonstrate specific aspects of the customer’s success story.

Sales Enablement Paid Advertising Additional Tips
Your sales team can use case studies to overcome objections and demonstrate the value of your solution. Use targeted ads on platforms like LinkedIn or Google Ads to promote your case studies to specific audiences. Don’t Gate Case Studies: Any opportunity to prove your worth should not be hidden behind a form. Instead, use other proprietary content, like in-depth reports.
Create one-page summaries (leave-behinds or tear sheets) that salespeople can share. Use them as free resources in drip campaigns to spark interest in juicier gated content. Track and Measure: Use CRM, Marketing Automation, and Web Analytics tools to track how your case studies are performing.
Retargeting can also help reach users who have previously shown interest in your online content. Update and Refresh: Regularly review and update your case studies to ensure they remain relevant and reflect your latest successes.
Get Creative: Explore other promotional channels like webinars, podcasts, or speaking engagements where you can share case studies.

Promoting your case studies is an ongoing effort. By consistently showcasing your customer’s successes, you’ll build credibility, attract the right future customers, and gain a reputation as a trusted partner.

TIP: Turning your case study into a customer testimonial video will impact your credibility and reach exponentially.

Final Thoughts

Showcasing our impact on a customer’s bottom line builds trust and demonstrates expertise. Case studies are investments in our brand’s future, establishing a reputation for excellence and lasting relationships.

Stories about how your solutions created success for your customers create a win-win that not only elevates your brand, but can also turn customers into fans.

The path to credibility and growth begins with your first case study. Make it happen by talking to your customers.

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  • Follow me on LinkedIn for bite-sized tips and freebies throughout the week.
  • Work with me. Schedule a call to see if we’re a fit. No obligation. No pressure.
  • Subscribe for ongoing insights and strategies (enter your email below).


PS: This article is also published and discussed on LinkedIn. Join the conversation!


10 One-Page Plans for B2B Tech Marketing Success (Free Templates)

Elevate your B2B tech marketing with 10 one-page plans. Download the free Google Slides template to build a winning strategy and scale your business.
June 21, 2024
5 min read

Over the last 10+ years, I’ve used various formats of B2B tech marketing plans to help my clients triple and even 10x their businesses.

I’m a big fan of how industry experts like April Dunford and Allan Dib have simplified complex planning documents into simple one-page canvases.

Being a visual thinker, I prefer to keep things simple too, so over the years, I have tweaked 10 of my favorite planning canvases.

I’m sharing them with you below in Google Slides format that you can use right away. You can also download the templates in PowerPoint format if you prefer.

Some of these planning canvases I have kept intact, like the Business Model Canvas, while others I have made my own. You can too.

Download free Google Slides template for B2B tech marketing

No doubt you will recognize some of these one-pagers. Others may be new. Regardless, they’re the battle-tested tools I’ve used to guide countless tech companies toward marketing success.

No more guesswork or flying blind. These canvases give you a clear, visual framework to build a tech brand that resonates with your best-fit customers.

If you struggle with complexity like I have, grab these templates and start planning your next move forward with confidence.

What’s Inside

Each canvas tackles a different piece of the marketing puzzle, and together, they create actionable steps towards building a comprehensive marketing roadmap for your B2B tech company and solution.

The template uses a hypothetical SaaS company as an example to provide context, but you can easily swap it out for your own product or service.

You can also use one, all, or any combination for your specific requirements.

1. Business Model Canvas

The classic canvas that helps you focus on the foundational aspects of your business, innovation, marketing, and revenue streams. Who is it for? What is it for? What value do you bring to the table? How will you make money?

1-Page Business Model Canvas

2. Positioning Canvas

Based on April Dunford’s work, this canvas helps you clearly differentiate your solution from the alternatives and pinpoint the audience that cares a lot about what you offer.

1-Page Positioning Canvas

3. Best-Fit Customers Canvas

Get to know your most valuable customers, their needs, why they love you, and why you love them.

1-Page Best-Fit Customers Canvas

4. Audience Persona Canvas

Develop a detailed audience persona for your buying team that speaks to their pain points, motivations, and desires.

1-Page Audience Persona Canvas

5. Strategic Planning Canvas

Think big picture and set realistic marketing goals that are aligned with your business objectives.

1-Page Strategic Planning Canvas

6. Marketing Brief Canvas

Define your goals, target audience, key messages, and channels for creating marketing tactics that support your strategy. This canvas is especially helpful for the folks on your team or the team you outsource to.

1-Page Marketing Brief Canvas

7. Campaign Planning Canvas

Outline your campaign strategy, tactics, timeline, budget, and dependencies.

1-Page Campaign Planning Canvas

8. Four P’s Marketing Canvas

Another classic that helps you clearly define your product, price, place, and promotion strategies.

1-Page Four P's Marketing Canvas

9. Buying Stage Canvas

Based on Avinash Kaushik’s See, Think, Do, Care methodology, this canvas helps you understand how your buyers move from awareness to advocacy and tailor your approach.

1-Page Buying Stage Canvas

10. Sales & Marketing Canvas

Based on Allan Dibs’ book, this is a concise overview that keeps everyone on your sales and marketing teams aligned.

1-Page Sales and Marketing Canvas

Why These Canvases Work

  • Visual Clarity: Simplify complex concepts into clear visuals.
  • Collaboration: Engage your team easily.
  • Actionable Insights: Turn plans into action.
  • Customizable: Adapt each canvas to your needs.
  • Go-To-Market: You can expand any of these templates or combine them to create a GTM plan.

Case Studies

If you’re curious how these canvases have worked for others, check out these case studies.

They’re real-world examples where I used combinations of these planning canvases to achieve significant growth for my clients.

Addressing Common Challenges

Too often, B2B tech companies build products without customer research, leading to all kinds of waste.

They also tend to focus solely on sales and leads, neglecting brand building, which is essential for long-term success—the reputation of your business and solution depends on it.

Using planning canvases can help address these challenges by providing a structured approach to understanding your best-fit customers and building up your brand equity.

Customization is Key

Think of these canvases as a starting point. Experiment, adapt, and find what works best for you.

Don’t hesitate to tweak or modify these one-page plans to suit your needs. Fine-tune them to craft your own unique GTM strategy.

Ready to elevate your marketing?

Download free Google Slides template for B2B tech marketing

If you like this content, here are some more ways I can help:

  • Follow me on LinkedIn for bite-sized tips and freebies throughout the week.
  • Work with me. Schedule a call to see if we’re a fit. No obligation. No pressure.
  • Subscribe for ongoing insights and strategies (enter your email below).


PS: This article is also published and discussed on LinkedIn. Join the conversation!