A B2B Case Study on 10x Growth: How MaxHire’s Product Marketing Beat the Recession


Brand Awareness

Launching the Go Hire, We’ll Help You Get There positioning and brand campaign helped MaxHire solidify its differentiated value of amazing software and services for recruiting and staffing professionals.

MaxHire Go Hire brand campaign
Recurring Revenue

Once the dust settled from the market crash, MaxHire launched a timely No Upfront Costs campaign. As a targeted safety net for recruiters reeling from the crash, MaxHire generated 32% additional annual recurring revenue in 2009 over 2008.

MaxHire additional YoY ARR growth
Customer Acquisition 

Within the first four to five months of launching their No Upfront Costs campaign, MaxHire began steadily acquiring new customers. By Q2 2010, they were out of the red for good.

MaxHire 3 yr customer acquisition growth

In the face of a brutal economic crisis, MaxHire Solutions, an applicant tracking software (ATS) provider for recruiting and staffing professionals, defied the odds and achieved incredible growth. This case study explores how MaxHire’s innovative marketing strategy and commitment to customer success helped them not only survive but thrive during a challenging time.

The “Go Hire” branding was brilliant, especially the swag at trade shows. People noticed. And the Safety Net campaign saved our butts. It was super risky, but it paid off.

Peter Blitz, President

From Startup to Industry Leader

MaxHire was a fast-growing company, recognized for its innovative recruiting software and dedication to customer service. However, the 2008 economic downturn threatened their ambitious goals of generating $10,000 in additional monthly recurring revenue (MRR).

The Challenge: Weathering the Storm

The economic crisis significantly impacted the recruiting and staffing industry, making MaxHire’s initial goal of generating an additional $10,000 per month in recurring revenue seem impossible. To overcome this hurdle, they needed a creative and effective solution.

2008 market crash

The Solution: A Safety Net for Customers

Inspired by Hyundai's Assurance Program, MaxHire launched a unique "No Upfront Costs" campaign. This safety net offered recruiting firms a chance to use their software without any upfront fees, contracts, or commitments. It wasn't just about financial flexibility; it symbolized a shared commitment to navigate the crisis together.

Results: A Growth Mindset Pays Off

MaxHire’s customer-centric approach yielded impressive results:

  • 101% increase in website traffic
  • 18% conversion rate increase
  • 32% growth in annual recurring revenue (ARR) in one year
  • 10x growth in overall revenue within four years
  • Acquisition by Bullhorn, a leading competitor, in 2012
Achim did a great job. His creative contributions and no-nonsense approach helped me grow MaxHire during a tough economy and 10x in four years.

Peter Blitz, President

Impact: Building Loyalty in Tough Times

MaxHire's story is a testament to the power of putting customers first. By offering a safety net and prioritizing customer needs, they not only weathered the storm but also fostered long-term loyalty and trust. This innovative approach transformed challenges into opportunities, solidifying MaxHire's position in the industry and ultimately leading to their acquisition.

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